chapter 14 ~ cinema

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cassie's pov

"so what happened when you and brook went off somewhere?" becca asked as she layed backwards on the sofa, her head almost resting on the floor and her feet on the head rest

"what makes you think something happened?"i questioned, starfishing on the carpet

"because you've gone red" amelia answered for her

"no i haven't!" i shouted, quickly covering my face, failing to hide the fact i was blushing

"tell us!"

"okay we might have kissed," i admitted, and they both squealed very loudly. lexi was too engrossed in her phone to hear anything we were saying,
"but" i said, trying to emphasise the fact that there was a downside

"oh no what happened?"

"did he not use a condom?"

"becca! i'm a child of jesus" i laughed

"okay just tell us" she giggled

"when we kissed i just. . . i felt nothing. there was just no spark. and i think he felt the same " i explained

"but what about brassie?" amelia frowned

"i don't know, i'll have to speak to him. and 'brassie'?" i laughed

"yes brassie is goals" she replied

"no lexi and mikey are goals. LEXI" i screamed, throwing a cushion at her and knocking her phone out her hand

"WHAT?!" she screamed back

"who are you talking to?"

"mikey, now be quiet" she answered, picking her phone back up

"see they're cute!" i exclaimed, becca and amelia agreeing with me

"okay i should probably speak to brook" i said, pulling my phone out my bag and seeing that he had already messaged me

hey uh can we talk about something? xx

yea of course xxx

about when we uh kissed. . . i'm sorry but i just didn't feel anything

honestly don't worry about it, i felt the same which kinda sucks :/

so we're still friends?

yes of course. you aren't getting away from me that easily

oh no

by the way you're coming to the cinemas with me tomorrow :)

haha okay xxx

:) xxx

okay that was easier than i thought it would be. i'm happy were still friends because he's an amazing person, and luckily it isn't awkward between us

//time skip to next day//

i quickly looked in the mirror one last time before leaving. do these shoes look okay with this outfit? oh who cares

i left my apartment, quickly walking to the little cafe around the corner. i was supposed to be meeting brook here to go to the cinemas, but i'm already late. i turned the corner to see brook standing there looking through his phone, and i quickly went over to him

"sorry i'm late" i laughed as if it was something different and i'm usually early

"oh it's alright, i just got here because i knew you'd be late" he chuckled.

"oh okay then" i giggled as he linked arms with me and we headed towards the cinema. i have no idea what we're gonna watch, i just really wanted to see a movie.

we arrived at the cinemas and brook chose a movie for us since i refused to, and we went to buy food and drinks

"do you want popcorn?" he asked, looking at the list of things to buy

"no i'm alright i'm not actually hungry" i replied

"okay that's a lie" he pointed out and laughed

"i'm serious!" i laughed

"all right, suit yourself. drink?" i shook my head

"okay can i have two drinks?" he asked, speaking to the cashier person

"i didn't want one" i said as the guy walked off to make them

"i know, but you would have drank all mine and i'm thirsty" he laughed and i rolled my eyes.

"okay you know me well"

we payed for the drinks and each took one, walking towards the room where the movie we were watching was

"brook!" i heard someone shout and we both turned and saw a girl, probably around 14 or 15. we both realised that she was probably a fan so i stepped away from brook and watched from the side.

"oh my god hi! can i get a photo?" she asked, practically shaking from excitement

"yea of course babe" he smiled, giving her a quick hug before getting a photo. i smiled because i actually found this adorable. they had a final hug and she left with the biggest smile on her face, and i walked back over to him

"awh that was cute" i smiled, walking with him to the room which would be playing the movie we were watching

"uh thanks?" he laughed as we walked in and sat down. the trailers before the movie were playing, and there was no one else here

"we have the whole thing to ourself!" i exclaimed, putting my feet up onto the seat in front of me as if i wouldn't have anyway

"i'm gonna sit allllll the way over here" he said, sitting in a random seat on the other side

"fine by me, i finally get some peace from you" i laughed and smirked, and he soon ran back over to me

"i need to annoy you" he said and i laughed and rolled my eyes, picking up my drink and drank some of it. well, that was until he knocked it out my hand and it spilt all over the floor

"brook!" i gasped but laughed

"what?" he grinned. i picked up his drink and began to drink it, of course until brook hit it out of my hand once again

"you're an actual idiot" i giggled

"i know. now let's leave before we get shouted at for making a mess" he laughed, standing up

"the movie has just started?"

"i know it's boring, now come on" he grabbed my hand and pulled me up and out of the cinemas

"okay now what?" i asked, letting go of his hand

"wanna come back to mine?"


not a great chapter but here you go d00ds

please remember to vote!

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