chapter 12 ~ im dropping everything!

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cassie's pov

me and the girls walked down to mcdonald's to meet the boys. after the groupchat we were all added to they already seem to be getting along well which i was really happy about

"are we actually meeting good looking people?" amelia asked and i laughed

"yes we are"

"will jack be there?" lexi asked

"i honestly don't know" i replied. will he be there? or will he just walk out again? i'm still shocked that he's here after all these years. but if i have to be truthful, i'm still mad. wouldn't anyone be after being hurt like that? i might be over him, but i'm not over what he did

we arrived at mcdonald's to see that the boys, including jack, were already there. brook looked over at me and smiled

"they're here" i heard him say to the others as we walked over towards them. they were spread across two tables, so i slotted in next to brook, lexi next to mikey across from us, becca next to andy on the other table, and amelia across from them with rye sitting on a little stool on the end. jack was sat right in the corner on the other side of amelia, not really speaking to anyone

the boys already had their food since they probably didn't want to wiat for us, so lexi stood back up

"okay i'm getting food" she announced as she started walking over to order

"hey get mine as well" i said, throwing a fiver at her, and amelia and becca did the same

"i don't know why you're all giving me your money, i'll just buy myself more" she joked as she walked away from us to order. i felt brooks arm wrap around my waist and i smiled, turning slightly to look at him

"hey gorgeous" he smiled, placing a kiss on my cheek making me smile more

"hey" i smiled, resting my head on his shoulder

"okay stop being all cute im lonely" mikey laughed and i giggled. out of the corner of my eye i saw jack looking at us until he quietly said 'ow' at andy, as if he'd been kicked under the table. i saw andy quickly glare at him, and then jack looked down. i don't really know if i should be ignoring jack or trying to speak to him

"ARGH IM DROPPING EVERYTHING" lexi screeched, and we all looked over to see that she was dropping all the coins that the cashier had handed back to her. she didn't try to pick them up, she just stood there screeching

"i'll go help her" mikey laughed, quickly getting up and walking over to help her. i laughed and rolled my eyes

"so how are you?" he asked, keeping his arm around my waist

"i'm great" i smiled

"well now you're here i'm amazing" he smiled

"oh shut up" i laughed, flicking the side of his head

"hey that hurt" he laughed, putting his hand to his head as lexi and mikey sat back down

"FOOD" i slightly shouted, pulling mine towards me and eating

"you're welcome" lexi said to me, giving amelia and becca their food

"thank you" i mumbled through a mouth full of food. brook chuckled

soon later, 'in my feelings' by drake started to play in the background music which was fairly audible.

"oh god" i mumbled with a laugh as rye immediately jumped onto the table and started dancing as if he'd just got out of a moving car

"rye get down!" andy shouted but he was laughing as much as the rest of us. he didn't stop until a woman, im guessing the manager, came over and started shouting at him to get down

lexi and mikey turned around to face me and brook and we acted like we weren't with everyone on ryes table, but we were struggling to keep in our laughter. they all stood up and groaned as they were 'asked' to leave

"you kids too" the woman nagged, scowling as we stood up laughing. i quickly shoved all the food i hadn't had time to eat into my bag which i just luckily happened to bring.

we all walked out and started laughing more than we already were

"you just love the attention don't you rye" i managed to get out after i'd had my laughing fit.

"i cant say i don't" he laughed and we all rolled our eyes

"here i wanna take you somewhere" brook said, grabbing my hand and dragging me away from the others

"use protection!" i heard one of the boys shout as they watched us walk away. we both jokingly glared at them as we continued

"where are we going?" i asked, keeping our hands laced together

"you'll see" he smiled

good morning y'all

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