chapter 30 ~ he kissed you?

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see, i can post twice in one day

cassie's pov

10:43. my eyes pull themselves open, rays of light breaking their way into my room through the small cracks in the curtains. i sit up, rubbing my eyes and pushing my hair out of my face. i let out an exhausted sigh and then remember what's happening today. i'm going to see my brother, noah (and tori, we can't forget her). a smile creeps onto my face as i become more and more excited for the day ahead.

i turned and reached for my phone, reminding myself what the time was. 10:43. great, im already late. but wiat, it is now 10:44. even better

i quickly jump up out of my bed, darting towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. somehow, just somehow, i predicted i'd be late today. it's almost as if i'm late to literally everything. i'd showered and washed my hair last night to save me some time, and i'd set out an outfit so i wouldn't have to spend even longer looking for something to wear.

i ran back into my bedroom, quickly getting changed and tripping over my own feet multiple times. 10:47. i grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs, setting it on the side as i poured myself some cereal. i sat down with my bowl in front of me, slowly eating it. there's no way i'm leaving my house without breakfast, and i'm not eating it quickly because i'll probably throw up

11 minutes passed and i'd finally ate my breakfast. 10:58. i put my shoes on and picked my phone back up watching the time change to 10:59, so i decided to message tori and noah on our own little group chat

see, it's not 11 yet and i'm ready

it's eleven now, you're late

me and tori are here

how the hell are you not late?

i rang him about 14 times at 8

that's harsh

get here i wanna see you

On my way!

i plugged my headphones into my phone and put on a random playlist as i left my apartment, happily making my way to starbucks to go properly see my brother after so long. and tori too, we can't forget tori.

as i slowly walked, i thought about all the happy memories of noah from the past. surprisingly, we weren't the type of siblings to fight and argue. we actually got along very well. we'd annoy each other every now and then, but he was one of my best friends. of course i was mad at him for leaving, but i don't blame him. our dad gave him a constant reminder that he didn't belong in our family and that he should leave, and so he did. he was only told this because he was gay, which our dad was originally okay with until alcohol became his new companion

i took my headphones it and put them in my bag, walking into starbucks and looking around for them. once i saw them and they saw me, i quickly walked over and brought noah into a hug as he came to his feet. i smiled, holding onto him tight and never wanting to let him go

"you saw me like two days ago cas" he chuckles, rubbing my back and pulling away from the hug

"shut up i missed you" i giggled turning to tori,
"now you get a hug!" i smiled, pulling tori into a hug. remember, we can't forget tori. after we hugged i sat down, tori and noah sitting across from me

"oh, here's your drink. i just go hot chocolate to be safe" tori said, pushing my drink towards me

"thank you," i smiled, picking it up and drinking it,
"how much was it?" i asked

"oh don't worry about it, it's on me" she smiled

"good because i have no money with me" i laughed, putting my drink down and looking between her and noah

"okay so you tell me what i've missed and you tell me about you because i know nothing" i said, pointing at each of them.

we decided that tori would tell me everything after noah left since he couldn't stay long so he started, explaining how he met tori at work and how his love life is failing drastically. back when me, him and jack were all best friends, jack would always have to deal with the two of us flirting with every boy we saw. i smiled at the thought of how happy we were back then

"how long until you have to go?" i asked, really dreading the moment he'd have to leave

"i have just under ten minutes" he pouted

"but that's okay because then it's just us two!" tori laughed and noah chuckled. i'm actually really looking forward to our girl talk. i can see us becoming close friends.

"okay so what's happening with jack?" noah asked, obviously being confused to why i can actually face him. i decided to explain it from the start

"so i moved to london a few months ago and met brook. we became friends and then he introduced me to the rest of the band. we argue every now and then but i'm so close with the rest of them so we're trying to stay civil with each other" i explained

"oh okay" he replied
"so is brook the one tori likes?" he smirked and tori elbowed him

"i don't like him!" she yelled, but laughing with us

"why not? i think you'll be cute together" i grinned and laughed

"if i say i at least like his hair will you shut up?" she laughed, turning slightly red

"maybe. you should get with, him he's a good kisser" i laughed

"what?" noah immediately said

"what?" i immediately replied back as if i'd said nothing. noah can be quite- extremely overprotective. tori was trying not to laugh

"he kissed you?" he asked

"okay we might have been slightly more than friends at first but it's nothing now! and we only kissed once anyway"

"i'm watching you" he glared and laughed,
"oh and who's the tanned one i like him"

"that's rye" i laughed,
"but he's going for amelia so have fun trying"

"i'll find my way" he winked and stood up as he now needed to leave

"no sit back down!" i said, laughing slightly

"i'll see you soon cas don't worry" he smiled, pulling me into a hug. he let go and smiled, leaving to go to work and leaving me and tori alone. girl talk time

i literally have like two chapters left to write so i'll be able to post more quickly (there'll be forty all together)

please remember to vote!

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