chapter 26 ~ showtime

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cassie's pov

sunday, the day that the boys are performing in london, came along very quickly. me and the other girls were going with them since we'd never seen them perform before, and we were all so excited; probably more excited than the boys were. luckily the venue wasn't far away since i don't mix well with travelling

"is everyone ready?" mikey asked, trying to be the only responsible one. we were all in their flat, in a rush to get ready since we were already late

"i can't find my shoes!" amelia shouted, frantically running around and creating a mess to try and find her shoes. what is it with her and losing shoes?

"amelia, gorgeous, they're on your feet" rye said, chuckling and smiling at her

"i cant wear these shoes to a concert! where's my converse?!" she stressed, looking around and seeing that lexi was wearing them

"LEXI! GET THOSE SHOES OFF YOUR FEET NOW!" she screamed, darting towards lexi who was on mikeys bed on her phone. she jumped in front of her and started trying to pull the shoes off her feet while lexi tried to fight back

"GET OFF ME, IM WEARING THEM!" lexi shouted back, kicking her legs around

"girls calm down" andy laughed, sitting on his bed with becca cuddled into him, one of his arms around her and holding her hand with the other

"you're too loud!" becca groaned to lexi and amelia, hiding her face in andys chest which made him smile.

"rye get your girlfriend off of lexi" mikey laughed, trying to pull the two of them apart but also causing rye and amelia to blush.

"come on babe, i'll walk you to yours to get some more shoes" rye said, grabbing amelia's hands and pulling her up

"okay" she sighed but then glared at lexi, making us all laugh. he kept hold of her hand and walked out with her, going to get more shoes

"blair is gonna kill us" brook laughed, implying how late we were

"i just wanna go to sleep" i said, rolling over to face the opposite way from everyone since i was already laying on the sofa

"we'll leave you here"

"send me a postcard" i mumbled, my face buried into my arms as i curled into a ball.

"yea we should probably get going" andy said as he stood up, pulling becca up with him and keeping their hands laced together. everyone got up and brook tried to pick me up

"okay i'm getting up!" i laughed, standing up and picking up my little handbag which held only a hairbrush and phone charger. then i picked up my other bag which had contained my essentials (a big fluffy blanket).

we all made sure we had everything and headed downstairs and outside to the little minibus. we all sat down and i pulled my big blanket out of my bag put it over me, cuddling into it and taking up two seats to get cozy. we all sat and spoke while we waited for rye and amelia to get back, and hopefully she'd have a pair of shoes on her feet.

i sat in a daydream for little while and then glanced around to everyone, meeting eyes with jack. we maintained eye contact for a few moments, and i could see and feel the pain and guilt in his eyes. i bit my lip and looked away, breaking our eye contact. i hate to say it, but he's been on my mind a lot lately; especially with what brook had told me. i mean jack must have felt very hurt too when everything happened. my family was like his family, he lost them too. he was my best friend and my boyfriend, he lost me in those ways two. but he should never have left in the first place, so i can't forgive him

i looked out the window to see rye and amelia were finally back. rye was giving her a piggy back and was running toward the bus, causing her to squeal and wrap her arms and legs around him tighter, clinging onto him. i smiled at how cute they were, watching them get onto the bus. luckily, amelia had shoes on her feet

"it's showtime!" rye shouted and sat down, amelia next to him. the bus started and our journey to the building where the show was taking place started. they said that they'd never performed there before, so it should be even more exciting. faint music was playing from the radio while everyone was in conversation, and i started to slowly drift off too sleep


"cassie wake up!"

"i'm telling you we should just leave her here"

"cassidy! wake up before i kick you"

"ugh i give up"

i opened my eyes to see everyone getting annoyed at their failed attempts to wake me up. i shuffled around slightly, rubbing my eyes

"look she's alive!" amelia squealed for some reason as becca snatched my blanket off of me

"hey that's mine!" i groaned, the cold replacing the warmth of my blanket.

"come on sleeping beauty" brook chuckled as he picked me up, taking me off of the bus.

"i can walk myself!" i groaned, kicking my legs around as he put me down. they all know i'm grumpy when i'm tired so they like to annoy me as much as possible

"ITS SHOWTIME" the boys screamed, running into the building to start their soundcheck. if i manage to feel less tired, tonight should be a very good night.

guess who has to get up very early tomorrow because she has a doctors appointment at HALF BLOODY SEVEN!¡¡!¡
that's right it's me. aren't i lucky?

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