chapter 9 ~ its him

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cassie's pov

since i moved here, everything has been going well. maybe even too well. but that doesn't matter, what's the worst that could happen? i have what i need - the girls and brook - and that's all i need

i'm currently sat down on an old bench in the park, waiting for brook. we'd planned to meet up here and do whatever happens from there. i sit scrolling through my phone listening to music while i wait, but i am suddenly stopped when someone comes up behind me and screams in my ear

"JEEBUZ CHRIST! BROOK!" i screamed, putting my hand to my chest. he started laughing, both at my reaction and the words i screamed

" 'jeebuz christ!'? " he laughed, quoting what i said. i blushed slightly, but i couldn't help but smile at how cute his laugh was. he eventually started to calm down from laughing

"that was funny, i'm gonna start saying that" he said

"don't laugh at jeebuz" i giggled. he chuckled wrapping his arm around my waist. i smiled as he placed a kiss on my cheek, making me smile even more. we started walking off out of the park to wherever our feet took us, speaking about whatever words came out of our mouths

"would you maybe wanna come back to mine? the other boys are there so you'd get to meet them" he asked, sounding slightly nervous

"i'm not the best at socialising but sure" i laughed

"we don't have to if you don't want to"

"no it's okay, we can" i smiled. he smiled in return and put his hand in mine, leading me to where him and his friends live

we walked into the apartment building, going up a couple flights of stairs. well this is tiring. once we were outside their door he stopped and turned to look at me

"right, before we go in, i'm just letting you know that they can be- no, they are very loud and crazy, and it can be a bit overwhelming" he said. i lightly squeezed his hand since i was still holding it

"it's alright, you seem more nervous than me" i laughed. he laughed and opened the door, leading me in.

i slowly followed behind him while he lead me into quite a big room which i would assume is a living room. . . but it has beds. and a kitchen? okay i like this place already. dotted about were 4 boys engrossed into whatever was on the tv

"guys," brook said, gaining their attention
"this is cassie" he smiled. he said all their names while pointing to each one so i knew who was who

andy, like brook, had blonde dyed hair which was swept across his forehead. he looked like he was the oldest out of them, but still looked quite young . he had bright blue eyes and seemed kinda short (he was sitting down so i couldn't really tell). he sent me a kind smile and a wave

rye was tanned with dark brown hair which was slightly curly. he had dark brown eyes and was quite muscular; his shirt shaped his muscles, making them stand out. i think he was the one with brook when i first met him. he held his thumbs up at me

mikey had dark brown, almost black, curly hair. his olive skin contrasted from his sky blue eyes. from where i was standing, i could see slight marks - one below his lip and one on the side of his nose, probably where he's had piercings

i turned my head to see who the final person was, but he was already staring at with shock and disbelief. it was him. of course it was him. jack. his pale skin. his brown curlyish hair. his ocean eyes. it's him. the same him

"and this is-"

"jack. i- i know" i said, cutting brook off. i couldn't tell whether my voice was filled with anger or despair. or both

"oh you know jack?"

"uh yea i guess you could say that. . . can i talk to you?" i asked brook, nervously running my hand through my hair

"yea of course"

". . . in another room?"

"oh right. sorry. come on" he said, walking out into a different room and i followed him. we went into a different bedroom and he closed the door

"it's him! it's jack!" i said, not really knowing what or how to say it

". . . i know?" brook replied, clearly confused. i sighed and shook my head

"remember when i told you about my last boyfriend? the one who left after everything?"

"yea?" he replied. i waited a moment for him to realise what i'm trying to say

"are you not catching on?"

"no. . . oh it was jack!-oh it was jack" he said, finally realising who it was that actually hurt me. i bit my lip and nodded

"right uh do you wanna leave?" he asked. i think he was trying to understand that one of his best friends literally crushed me

"no it's fine. if he's one of your best friends i'll have to face him at some point" i said. he nodded before leading me back into the other room

i walked in and looked around, releasing that jack wasn't there


"he left," andy replied before i could even finish what i was gonna say. i nodded and sat down on the empty sofa

"he told us what happened" he continued and i nodded

"well who wants to watch a movie?" brook asked, thankfully breaking the awkward tension between us all. we all agreed and ordered some food, sitting around the tv and watching whatever movie we put on

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