chapter 4 ~ mcdonalds

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cassie's pov

today i woke up at 1 in the afternoon, nothing unusual. i decided i should go to mcdonald's for breakfast/dinner since i'm healthy i'd seen one nearby while i was out yesterday, so i got up and started getting ready.

i threw on some plain black leggings and an oversized grey hoodie which belonged to my brother before he left. i looked in the mirror and saw that i looked a complete mess, so i tried my best to fix my hair to look at least decent. i didn't put on any makeup since i absolutely hate wearing it. i just feel even more insecure in it. i don't know why, i just do

i grabbed some money and headed out the door to mcdonald's. i love mcdonalds; it was pretty much my second home back in ireland. other than skie's house, obviously. speaking of skie, i haven't spoke to her since i got here. i texted her when the plane landed but that was it, and i didn't get a reply. i should probably facetime her when i get back.

i got my food and sat in the corner table by myself since i was too tired to socialise. i scrolled through my phone while eating my food until i felt the presence of someone sitting across from me. i looked up to see the boy from yesterday - the one who stopped me from getting ran over

"hello" he said smiling, showing his teeth. wow, his smile is gorgeous. i realise that i should stop staring and probably reply

"hey" i said smiling back, looking away from him for a moment so it didn't seem like i was staring

"how are you?"

"uh good. . . thank you for yesterday" i blushed, looking away from him again. he chuckled and smiled

"it's alright babe" he grinned. him calling me babe made me blush slightly more, so i rested my head in one of my hands to slightly hide my face, although i knew it made no difference

"why did you do it though? i mean why risk your life for a stranger?" i asked, somehow managing to stay calm. he didn't reply straight away, having to think about how to answer

"i don't know, but i'm just happy you're safe" he responded, putting a smile on my face.
"so uh i didn't get your name" he continued

"oh it's cassie" i smiled

"pretty name for a pretty girl," he smiled
"i'm brook"

can he please stop making me blush. this is probably why most girls wear makeup. and although i knew his name from hearing his friend say it yesterday, it sounded so much nicer hearing him say it.

"is that a boys hoodie?" he asked, looking at my hoodie which was indeed for a boy

"yea, it's my brothers" i said, accidentally showing a slightly sad expression

"oh. i'm sorry" he replied

"no it's alright! he hasn't died. . . i don't think" i said, gaining a confused look. i sighed. well done cassie

"he ran away a few years back and i've never heard from him since" i explained and he nodded

"well, i'm still sorry"

before there could be an awkward silence, he stole one of my fries and ate it

"hey that's mine! eat your own" i laughed, pushing his own food closer to him

"too late" he laughed and i rolled my eyes, laughing too

"so could i maybe get your number?" he asked, showing a hopeful smile. did he actually just ask me that? have i made a friend? have i met someone? is he flirting? okay enough questions

i smiled and held my hand out, indicating to give me his phone so i can type my number in. he did the same with my phone and we said our goodbyes. i watched him walk away before putting my rubbish into the bin and heading home


i sat on my bed, pulling my pillows and blankets around me, and setting up my laptop and went onto skype. i called skie, and waited for her face to pop up onto the screen. after a few rings, she answered and i smiled

"SKIE!" i practically shouted, smiling a lot

"CASSIE!" she shouted and laughed

"i miss you so much" i frowned

"me too" she pouted but then looked away from the screen. i heard another voice i the background say something, but i couldn't quite make out who or what. whatever they said, she laughed

"who are you with?" i asked. she didn't reply to me, but to the person she was with

"skie?". nope. still no answer. i listened more carefully to hear that the other voice belonged to a boy. ah

the screen was soon tipped over and then i heard some sort of flirty comment, so i ended the call and texted her

i'll call you later xxx

K x

okay that's annoying. i sighed and closed my laptop, placing it and my phone on the side and laying down. i closed my eyes and started to feel tired. a little nap won't hurt will it? i laid there peacefully until i finally managed to fall asleep

i probably shouldn't have started writing this as soon as school started whoops

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