Chapter 6

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Elijah lets go of Elena and looks up. 'What is that?' He questions.

'I don't know.' Rose replies, looking pissed off.

'Who else is in this house?'

'I don't know.' She repeats. Elijah grabs one of Elena's arms and moves as though to grab mine.

'I'll come willingly, I need to see that you keep your word and don't hurt her, and I don't appreciate being manhandled, no matter how pretty the man.' I justify and then follow him when he begins to approach where Rose is on the stairs, leading us up them.

'Move.' We stop in the entrance way and someone vamp speeds around us, I breathe in deeply. Damon. Elijah pushes Elena towards where Rose and I were standing. Someone vamp speeds up the stairs. 'Rose.' Elijah says, his tone a warning.

'I don't know who it is.' She responds shaking her head. Another vamp speed.

Stefan's voice. 'Up here.' Elijah vamps halfway up the stairs.

Damon's voice. 'Down here.' He spins around to face us again as we look around. I hear a noise and turn in time to see Elijah with what looks like a stake through his hand. He yanks it out, a furious expression on his face. While he was doing that, Damon took Rose and I away while Stefan grabbed Elena, hiding us from Elijah's sight. Damon looked at me with a grin and a finger on his lip, indicating that I should remain silent, I rolled my eyes and gave him a 'You think?' look to which he rolled his eyes back.

'Excuse me.' Elijah called. 'To whom it may concern, you are making a grave mistake if you think that you can beat me, ah, you can't.' To some that may sound cocky but I knew it to be true, we had neither of the two things that can put down an original, though we can put him down temporarily. 'You hear that. You cannot beat me.' He pulled a coat rack from it's base, a makeshift weapon. 'So I want the girls, on the count of three, or heads will roll.' I grinned at his choice of words and Damon looked at me as though I was insane despite the fact that he knew I was. 'Do we understand each other?.'

Elena moved out to the top of the stairs and I assumed that this was part of the plan. 'I'll come with you. Just please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out. And leave Jamie out of it, she was never supposed to be here, it's me that you want.' Elijah vamped to the middle of the stairs.

'What game are you playing with me?' Elena pulled the pin out of a vervain grenade and threw it towards Elijah where it exploded in his face. Though he healed quite rapidly despite the fact that he was screaming in pain, which weirdly caused a pain in my heart, I don't want Elijah to hurt, somehow I know that he will be important to me someday.

He climbed the steps towards Elena, looking extremely pissed. Stefan appeared firing wooden bolts into Elijah's torso before tackling him down the stairs. As he rose, Damon moved forward with the coat rack turned stake and drove it through his heart, moving him backwards until he was pinned to the wall. He turned grey and desiccated before our eyes, seemingly dead though I knew he would awake, eventually. The sight still sent a stab of pain through my chest.

Rose took the opportunity to escape and Damon moved as though to follow her before Elena called out from the top of the stairs. 'Just let her go.' Damon looked happy as Elena moved down the stairs up until she landed in Stefan's arms while he made sure she was okay. I moved passed them and straight into Damon's arms.

'What took you so bloody long? I had to be the sensible one for once and I didn't like it very much.' I said as I hugged my best friend as tightly as I could.

'I save your life and this is the thanks I get.' He jokes but grips me tighter. 'I'm so glad that you're okay Jay.'

'Me too DayDay, me too.' They all head towards the car but I tell them I'll be there in a second. I go and find Elena's necklace so that Damon can return it to her and then find a paper and pen writing a message and slipping it into Elijah's pocket before joining them at the car.

A Different Kind Of Wolf-Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now