Chapter 16

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I slept through most of the day not waking up until I received a phone call from Damon to let me know that Jules and her merry band of wolves have taken Caroline and are holding her hostage and want Tyler. The next minute I was out of my bounding out of my house on all fours and racing through the woods. I arrived just in time for Jules to whistle and summon her pack. I walked up in between the brothers and Tyler lifting my head and letting a snarl rip through my throat.

'Give us Tyler.' Jules demanded.

'You heard her.' Damon said. 'Go, get over there.' Tyler went to stand behind Jules. One of the wolves asks who killed Mason. 'That would be me.'

'Boys, make sure that one suffers.' The wolf says and I growl at him, shifting into a defensive position.

'We can take them.' This was Damon.

'Not so sure.' Stefan, ever the optimist.

'Well then.' And the fight begins. I see Tyler go to get Caroline and I lunge at one of the wolves, biting into his throat and killing him quickly. I see the boys holding their own, Jules is nowhere in sight and Damon is fighting the one who spoke about Mason. And then suddenly both brothers are down and Jules has a gun to Caroline, I howl before killing the wolf next to me and then waiting to see the next move.

Suddenly all the wolves grip their heads, collapsing to the ground in pain as Elijah's witch appears. 'Elijah made a promise to Elena, I'm here to see that it is upheld. You need to get out of here.' Stefan, Damon and Caroline begin to walk away as Jonas continues to Tyler. 'When your friends awaken give them a message, they need to get the hell out of this town.' He turns to leave and I walk alongside him.

'Elijah has made a promise to protect you too. While you fall under Elena's promise, he's made his own vow, he sees you as family now, he will protect you as such.' Jonas told me as we walked. The words sent a warm feeling through my body. 'You should rejoin your friends, they won't appreciate us talking.' While I didn't completely trust Jonas I still wanted to show my appreciation so I lightly bumped my muzzle against his leg before running forward to meet the others.

We separated at the edge of the woods, I went home to change back and was in the middle of a sketch when Stefan called. Caroline needed her friends tonight so Elena, Bonnie and I are going to stay with her, slumber party style. I packed a bag, making sure to pick up my sketchbook and grabbed a pillow. I left my house, locking the door behind me just as Elena's car pulled up behind me.

When we got there we hugged Caroline as she cried and then moved into the house, settling in her room with ice-cream and chick flicks. Caroline talked about how she was pissed at Tyler and didn't know what to do about Matt, and we gave her what advice we could. As the girls watched a movie, I was sketching Elijah one was of the first time I had seen him and another of him holding a heart in each hand from Slater's apartment. I drew Damon as he looked at Rose and the pain in his eyes. I drew Caroline wrapped around Tyler while his bones snapped. Eventually I stopped drawing and switched my focus to the movie that was still playing while I made myself comfortable on Caroline's bed. She shifted so that she had her head on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around her, ensuring that she was safe. Gradually we all fell asleep, hoping for a better day tomorrow.

A Different Kind Of Wolf-Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now