Chapter 27

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'So you met Niklaus.' Elijah says as the memory fades, I can sense that he is trying to change the subject.

'In a sense. I've affectionately name him Klaric for the time being.' Elijah laughs. 'He seemed surprised by my knowledge, and that I knew he wasn't Ric the moment I saw him. He's... not quite what I expected and yet he is, at the same time.' I explain as we walk back toward the mansion at a slow pace.

'He has a habit of managing to both surprise you and do exactly as you expect all at once.' Elijah agrees. 'Though I'd imagine he quite likes you.'

'I don't know about that. I may have insulted him a couple of times. I'm surprised I lived to tell the tale if I'm honest.' This was true, I had expected more backlash from insulting him.

'He likes strong women, and he loves a challenge. Niklaus, amongst other things, has a strong personality, so he seeks out others with this same, vibrance. Someone like you.' Elijah enlightens.

'Strong personality is one way to put it. You won't kill him Lijah.' I say lightly. 'I know you think you will, that you want to, but if Klaus is as strategic as I think he is? He'll have an ace up his sleeve, something to stop you from killing him. And I want you to know that not killing him? That's okay. I will not judge you for it in any way no matter how the others feel.' I assure him and he remains quiet. 'Do you have a place to stay tonight? I don't usually invite vampires inside though, I would be willing to make an exception.' I offer.

'I would very much appreciate that, thank you.' We had made it back to the house and he held open the door for me. 'What do you think of the sacrifice? I never did ask you.' He asked as we settled back down on the couches.

'Honestly? I'm partially on Niklaus's side. A part of who he is has been locked away for a thousand years, Lijah. As someone who has been a werewolf her whole life I can't imagine having my wolf taken away. When I am out in the woods, spending time as a wolf, that is true freedom Elijah, I wouldn't want that to be taken away from anybody who didn't choose it.' He looked thoughtfully at me. 'Sure I'm not a fan of the fact that he needs to sacrifice three people in order to break the curse nor the way he's gone about getting the ingredients for the spell but to be fair, it's not like people would be lining up to be sacrificed.' I point out. Elena chose that very moment to return.

'Welcome back.' Elijah says, clearly surprised that she returned at all.

'Tell me.' She says as she pulls off her jacket. Rude, no hello? 'What is Klaus's curse?'

'Please.' He gestures for her to sit, and she obeys. 'My family was quite close, but Klaus and my father did not get on too well. When we became vampires, we discovered the truth. Klaus was not my father's son. My mother had been unfaithful many years before. This was her darkest secret. Klaus is from a different bloodline.' Ansel's bloodline if I am not mistaken. 'Of course when my father discovered this, he hunted down and he killed my mother's lover and his entire family.' As it wasn't a full moon they were no match for an original vampire, they knew nothing of them at the time and were not prepared.

'What he didn't realise was that he was igniting a war between species that rages until this day.' I continued.

'A war between the species?' She asks.

'The vampires...' Elijah starts.

'And the werewolves.' I finish, allowing my eyes to glow a brilliant blue, as opposed to their normal green.

'So Klaus's real father was from a werewolf bloodline? What does that make Klaus? A werewolf? Or a vampire?' She asks, confused.

'It makes him both, Elena. He is the Original Hybrid.' I inform her.

'A hybrid would be deadlier than any werewolf or vampire. Nature would not stand for such an imbalance of power. Therefore the witches, the servants of nature, saw to it that my brother's werewolf side would become dormant.' Elijah explains further to the doppelganger.

'That's the curse that Klaus wants to break?' She asks.

'He wants to trigger that part of him that's a werewolf.' I tell her.

'If allowed, Klaus will sire his own bloodline. He'd build his own race. Endangering not just vampires, but everyone.' Elijah continues. Nik just wants people like him, I don't blame him for that, it can be lonely, being one of a kind.

'But you helped him.'

'I helped him because I loved him.' Elijah says simply. 'That's changed, now he must die.'

Elena goes on to say that they can kill him with the dagger but Elijah explains why it won't work on Niklaus due to it being silver, that the only way they can kill Klaus is with a powerful witch. He tells her that the ritual must be performed on a full moon, and that Nik will be vulnerable when he is transitioning and in that moment, a witch with enough power can kill him.

'What if I told you that I knew a witch that could channel that much power?' Elena says.

'Then I would tell you there's one more thing you should know.' Elijah responds. He shows us another memory of him and his brother in which he reveals that he had found a way to save the life of the doppelganger but Nik tells him not to bother, that her life means nothing. That love is a vampire's greatest weakness. What a horrible outlook on life.

'You found a way to save the life of the doppelganger?' Elena asked. Well that certainly changes things.

'Yes, Elena. I did.' Elijah confirms. 'But unfortunately, Katerina took matters into her own hands first. I believe you already know how that played out.

'You cared about her didn't you?' Elena finally realised.

'It's a common mistake, I'm told.' He replies. 'And it is one I won't make again.'

'Has anyone beside me noticed that seems to be a running theme with these doppelgangers? Elena, Katerina.' And then I whispered in a voice low enough that only Lijah could hear. 'Tatia.' He looks at me sharply, shaking his head slightly.

We leave the Lockwood mansion and head back over to the boarding house. Along the way I hand Elijah my sketchbook, open to the page upon which I drew Klaric. He laughed when he saw the smirk on his face. 'You captured this in such a way that I can almost see Niklaus in him.' He marvels. 'You truly are a wonderful artist. Though the one of me remains my favourite.'

'Thank you, Lijah.'

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