Chapter Two: Sealing the Deal Part Two

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This chapter might be even worse than the last one but that's for you to decide. I'm going to give you guys a couple weeks to vote, so don't feel pressured to fo so right away. I'll be keeping a score for all of them so don't worry. This is a bxb story though, so I won't really count the girls. Anyway....


Four Years Later...

Pink hair was sprawled out on the bed. Eyes dazed and empty. These guards would do this every other night, yet the child could never understand why they would do this. He didn't wrong them, so why would they hurt him? Thoughts like these would cloud his mind to the point where the voice in his head grew louder.

Why wouldn't they? You're pathetic, aren't you?

He looked at his blood and semen soaked clothes and wrinkled his nose in disgust. He didn't let out a sound. He thought they would hear and touch him again. He quickly changed, not even bothering to find the bathroom and shower. His hair was greasy and stunk of the goons, and he still had fluids run down his legs. Yashiro looked at himself in the slightly dirty mirror.
I'm's no wonder they do this...
He carried his rotten clothes to the laundry room and put them in the washer. He even washed the guards' clothes. If he didn't, he would be punished even worse. Now, Seiji didn't know they were forcing the child to do anything. He thought that Yashiro was doing it from the kindness of his heart.


Today, the prison was undergoing an inspection. They did this every few years. Usually, the police ,along with one pro-hero, would inspect every inch of the prison. This was to make sure that the criminals were secure and that no prostitutes were being bought.
It was exactly noon when the inspectors came along. Erasure head was the first to step into the building. The raven-haired hero scanned the premises and deemed the entrance to be okay. The police split up. Half with the hero, and half without. Seiji gladly greeted him and walked along with them. "And here's where some of the villains you caught are kept. I'm glad you trusted us with them", Aizawa ignored the comment and kept walking. "Let's hurry up and check the dor--", just he said that, he was cut off by a scream. "Yashiro...", Seiji said, worried. Both rushed to the scene to see the young boy's pants being pulled down. Aizawa immediately kicked two of them in the balls and punched the third in the face. "What the hell, man--", guard 3 looked up and saw the underground hero, standing with a pissed off look.

"I should be asking you that, shithead", the pro said as the child ran behind him. The guards clicked their tongues and ran off. Seiji gently placed his hands on Yashiro's shoulders. "How long has this been going on...?". He didn't receive a verbal answer. Yashiro's eyes teared up

Aizawa turned around once he was sure that those goons were gone. "I need to speak to the both of you in private...", once this was said, the three started walking to the office. Well, halfway there, Yashiro started limping, so Erasure head picked him up gently. Yashiro's breathing hitched at the physical contact, and his tears almost started falling.

(Time Skip)

Once they reached the office, Seiji locked the door from the inside. Aizawa placed Yashiro on the ground gently. Once he did, Yashiro fled to the corner. Seiji moved two swivel chairs closer to the kid, but not close enough to scare him. "So do you know how long this has been going on?", the old man sighed and shook his head. "I had no clue it was even happening. You see, he's the child of one of my close friends. I didn't think he would have gotten in this situation." The pro nodded and looked towards the boy who flinched under his gaze. "Do you know how long it's been since they started doing this?", he asked calmly. Yashiro nodded and played with his fingers. "Well...?" Yashiro put up four fingers.
Four days? Four weeks? Four months?
"Four what?", he didn't mean to sound harsh, but he did. Way to go. Yashiro jumped at the sudden roughness and quickly looked around for a piece of paper and a pencil. After scribbling on the paper, he turned it upside down and sprinted as well as he could back to the corner. Both adults gasped when they saw the word. "Where are this kid's parents?", Aizawa asked grimly. "W-well, his father entrusted me with him, but I haven't seen him in years...." The pro scoffed and thought about something that just might make things better. "Maybe I should take him. These fucktards can't get to him that way", Seiji thought about it before hesitantly nodding. Yashiro looked up at the man who would be taking care of him. Long black hair, pale skin, not very cleanly shaven, gray and black clothes, a long light gray scarf and yellow goggles around his neck.
He couldn't really see his eyes that well since he was turned sideways. "I'm going to call his father and let 'im know", Seiji said as he unlocked the door and stepped outside the room. Aizawa fully faced the pink haired child. He crouched in front of him and noticed the small details. Small bruises were littered near his mouth, his cheeks, and his neck. He also had bags under his eyes that seemed to drag on. His ears were pointed like an elf's. Meanwhile, Yashiro stared in awe at the pro's beautifuly dark eyes. They were filled with concern and care. For the first time, Yashiro found something that he deems pretty.

With Seiji

"What do you mean, 'what son'? You left him here four years ago!", the person on the other end just chuckled darkly. "You mean that dumbass? I don't really care where he is anymore. I've gotten the money I need, I don't need a shitrag to ruin this." Seiji's free hand clenched into a fist. "To think I thought of you as family....", Seiji muttered before hanging up.
Seiji opened the door to see the two staring at each other. He weakly smiled and tapped Aizawa on the shoulder. "His father doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. He's all yours, Erasure head", Seiji whispered in Aizawa's ear. He sighed and got up from the floor. "What's your name, kid?", Yashiro forced himself off of the ground. "Y...ya..yasshhiro", he answered weakly. His throat hurt after just trying to say his name. Aizawa nodded, both in understanding and to tell the boy he understood what he said. "Let's get your things--", he felt a small hand pull gently on his scarf. He looked down at Yashiro who shook his head. Aizawa sighed and picked up the boy. Yashiro started to panic, but calmed when he realized he wouldn't be touched in a bad way. The police came rushing towards Aizawa. "What happene--", he was quickly shushed by Erasure head, who was holding the still frightened child. They made way for the two figures. Aizawa set the kid down gently in the passengers seat, buckled him in, and put on some relaxing music. The ride home wasn't as hectic, and Yashiro even got forty-five minutes of sleep!
Once they were in Musutafu, Aizawa unbuckled the sleepy boi and helped him get up. Not being in a car for so long made him a little woozy, but he got over it. Aizawa walked along side Yashiro as they went up the steps. As soon as the pro opened the door, they heard a bunch of meows come from inside. "Welcome home, kid", Yashiro's eyes became tearful, but for the first time, it was different. He hugged the pro which took him aback since the boy didn't like physical contact. I...have a home now...!


Hey! It me! So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stuff. I am trying to keep his quirk a secret (mostly because I haven't thought of one that would suit him--). Anyway, let me know what you want his quirk to be. It can't be a physical change though. His appearance is already sort of abnormal sooooo.


Edit: Hey, so I didn't read through this after I wrote it like I'm planning on doing, so there are probably more than a few mistakes. Welp

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