Chapter 9: Villain Attack #One

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3rd P.O.V

It was a quiet morning. That is, until all of the cats started meowing and mewling, trying to wake up Yashiro for school. Their cats had started doing this whenever they realized that both owners had to be somewhere. So, instead of just waiting until one wakes up, they all collectively try and wake up one of them. Yashiro groaned and groggily opened one eye to peer at the cats. 'These little shits...' Yashiro yawned and stretched. One ginger-furred cat jumped onto the bed and sat in Yashiro's tired lap. He sighed and pet her head. "I have to get up if you want food", he persuaded. All of the cats scurried out of the door, except for one old, scraggly feline. He was weary and ready to die at anytime. The cat was around 15 years old, and reminded Yashi of Seiji a little bit. Well, at least with the white fur and how bushy the whiskers seemed.

Aizawa woke up not to long after Yashi had fed the cats. The two started to head on their way after they both got ready. "C'mon. Let's get going. You might have to stay at Toshinori's tonight. Hizashi and I are going on a date", Yashi nodded and they both got into the car.

(Time Skiiiiiiiiiiiip)

"Hey Yashiro! C'mere, bro!", Yashiro flinched when he heard his name being yelled as he walked into the class. Yashiro complied and stood in front of, yet a ways away, from Kirishima. "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me, Sero, Mina, and Bakugo this weekend", Kirishima requested. Yashiro thought about it. He nodded and Kirishima called over Mina and Sero, not even bothering with Bakugo. "He said yes! Looks like our plan will work!" Yashiro once again flinched. 'What plan?', he thought to himself.

"Today, we're visiting the USJ building. You'll be doing rescue missions taught by me, All Might, and another hero", most where thinking about who the third hero could be. "Go get your costumes on", Aizawa grumbled. The class went to the lockers.

Yashiro was once again frightened by the idea of changing in front of others. However, he was starting to get used to it. He got dressed, not feeling as many stares as he had before. Slipping on his gloves, he walked out the door. The heeled boots clacked against the tiled floors as Yashi made his way to the bus.

Iida, being the dork he is, was already there and had a whistle around his neck. Once everyone had arrived, he shouted, "Everyone! Get into two lines!" Well, let's just say, that the bus's seat plan was different from what he expected. Iida grumbled solemnly about it not turning out how he predicted. Yashiro decided to sit in the back, as he wasn't comfortable sitting next to anyone at the moment. Of course, that didn't stop Kirishima (I need more Deku moments... Well, maybe in later chapters! Not promising anything!). "Hey man! Ya look lonely! Need someone to talk to?", he said that last line a little quieter. Yashiro shook his head 'no' hesitantly. His eyes peered over to Aizawa, who was watching them both on accident. Kirishima followed his line of sight, just to see the pro look away last minute.

"Did you get bad grades or something?", again, Yashi shook his head. Finally deciding to meet the red-head's eyes, he looked up. "I'm fine. This is normal" "What about those scars then?" Yashiro's eyes widdened. He looked away, trembling and about to burst. "Oh fuck man! I'm sorry!", Kirishima apologized a little too loudly. Half of the others on the bus looked their way. The other half were either talking, sleeping, or weren't interested.

Kirishima nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck. Yashi had put his knees to his chest, and he wrapped his arms around them. He laid his head on his knees and turned away from the guilty Kirishima. "I-I'm sorry. I guess it's best if I sit somewhere else than, huh?", he didn't receive an answer. Kirishima tore his eyes away from the boy, smile no longer present.

(Time Skip. I do a lot of these, huh?)

"We're here. Get your asses off the bus and get a move on", Aizawa rushed the students. Got up last so that he wouldn't be squished in between people. "Welcome to the Unforseen Simulation Joint! A.k.a, the U.S.J!", a hero in a space-suit-like costume said (btw, 13 is canonically a 'they', so correct me if I use 'he' or 'she' when referring to 13). They were babbling on about how dangerous quirks could be, but most of the students already knew this. "Alright! Now that that's covered, let's go inside!", they opened the door. All of a sudden, there was a dark purple portal opening in the center of the building. Once three people walked out, six more opened up. "Are those like the robots from the entrance exam?", Denki asked, pretty stupidly, no offence.

"13, get the kids out of here and call for back-up", Aizawa said. "Step back! Those are villains!", he yelled. The students all gasped. Yashiro looked at Aizawa with anxious eyes. Aizawa reciprocated and sprinted into the building. Yashi almost yelled for him to stop, but Deku did all the yelling. "AIZAWA-SENSEI STOP!" "You can't be a hero without a couple tricks up your sleeve", Aizawa responded. "We were told All Might would be here....Maybe he'll show up if we kill some kids", a man covered in severed hands called out. This made everyone on edge.

The portal man appeared before the students. Immediately, Bakugo ran at one, while Kirishima followed. One by one, all of class 1-A was getting sucked up. Only a few remained, and 13 was now injured.

Yashiro landed in a rockey terrain that was filled with dust and pebbles. He had ended up in the Mountain zone. Three bodies landed on top of him, making Yashiro groan and slightly panic. The three arose quickly, and Yashi looked around. The four of them were now surrounded by villains, however, Yashiro wasn't afraid. Afterall, he had Momo and Jirou on his side. It was Denki that he was worried about...

"Guys! I can't help! I'm going to end up shocking all of you!", Denki stupidly yelled to where everyone in the area could comprehend what he shouted. Yashiro face-palmed before fighting off the villains surrounding them, with the help of one of my favorite gals of course! Momo was creating an object that would essentially help them, which is something Jirou and Yashi took into notice. Once a villain touched Denki, he accidently shocked them, making a smug face. "Nevermind, just leave it to me!". Yashiro chuckled in his mind. "It's ready! Jirou and Yashiro, get in here", Momo called over the two classmates. Once Jirou saw that Momo's chest was exposed, she blushed and covered them from both Yashiro's and Denki's views. "Don't look!", she exclaimed, embarrassed.

Yashiro didn't even look in the first place. Still, he respected her wishes and thought it was cool that she protected her (girl)friend. Denki released a lot of electricity, taking out everyone except for his classmates, who were under an electricity blanket. "Weeee~ Wheeyyyyyyy~", Denki was moving his arms back and forth while holding a "thumbs up" on both hands. Jirou started giggling. All of a sudden, someone held up Denki by his head. "That was a pretty smart move for a bunch of brats. But us electricity types have to stick together, y'know?", the man had a helmet that covered half of his face, making it hard to see his facial features.

"If any of you move, your friend over here while be fried to a crisp", at this, Yashiro looked down in guilt; he should have been able to restrain the villain. Instead, his classmate could die.

Hey, it me. Gtg and sorry for the shorter chapter. I'm currently trying to make donuts so yeah. Happy b-day to my girl, Momo!


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