Chapter 16: Apologies and Hero Names

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(Another song by RM)

Yashiro's P.O.V.:

I opened the door and greeted my classmates. We had made plans to have a halloween party. We invited class 1-B and select people from other classes, including some third and second years (changing it up a little). It was better if we had a party instead of trick or treating because people could still figure out who we are. Plus, Halloween gives more villains a chance to capture one of us so it only makes sense.

I sat down as the bell rang. Soon after, Ai-san entered the room. "Woah! No more bandages!", exclaimed Kirishima. "Should you really be moving around like that?", Sero tilted his head. "I'm fine. Anyway, here are the results of the sports festival", Ai-san answered and clicked a button on a small device. A hologram list appeared and showed us how many opportunities we were granted by pros. I saw my name and next to it was the number '1,260'. It wasn't as good as Bakugo-san's or Todoroki-san's, but it was still a shocker. My quirk doesn't really stand out all that much, so I didn't really understand the reasoning behind such a number. "Wow. Todoroki's and Bakugo's ranks have switched!", Ashido and Denki synched. "Even if you're name isn't up here, you need to choose an agency by using this form", Ai-san held up a piece of paper. "Turn it in by monday". "Only three days? How am I going to decide?", Kirishima said aloud.

"This is not the end of it", Ai-san said mysteriously. We all started to freak out. 'More villains? Another festival?' "You need to choose a hero name", we all collectively sighed. "Because I'm not good at saying if a name is okay or not, I'm bringing in a gu--" "HELLO EVERYONE!!", Midnight burst into the room, full of excitement. Some of the guys mumbled about her, making me both want to hit them and quiet them. Midnight has been more of a motherly figure, and even though I'm going to start visiting my mom, Midnight will always be a mom to me. "I'll give you 5 minutes to start thinking of some names. Be careful. It may be permanent and unchanging". We were given whiteboards and markers.

Thinking, thinking, thinking. Just what should I be called. All of a sudden, I flashback-ed to the sports festival and a few You know what? It's time I get over this and this could help. I scribbled down what I was thinking with a face full of different emotions. Shame, fear, sadness, and anxiety filled my body. Maybe I shouldn't...wouldn't this only create more baggage? I placed my head down in the arms that were sprawled out on my desk. I sighed quietly, thinking it over. 'Well, I don't have any other ideas. Besides, I'm safe now. Ai-san is here, Midnight too. It isn't a big deal anymore so just don't worry', I thought to myself. Suddenly, I heard my name being called.

I walked up slowly, head slightly lowered and eyes on the floor. "This is a name that carries a lot of baggage, but I wish to get past it", I showed my board as I said this. "The hair hero: Cotton Candy", I rubbed my arm as I heard Midnight ask, "Are you sure?". I nodded and heard exclamations of approval from my classmates, making me smile. I went back to my seat and sat down. Watching as others revealed their names, getting a chuckle out of me every so often, I scribbled on a piece of paper. Drawing was calming me down. I realised this the other day when I was having a panic attack (a/n: Panic attacks are really scary and I actually had one the other day). I didn't even know what to draw, so I just settled on drawing some classmates. Mineta-san was easy to draw, seeing as he has very rounded features, along with a more square nose and a protruding upper lip. Ultimately deciding not to draw the perv, I looked for someone else. I spotted Midoriya-san as he showed his name.

Soon, it was rime for lunch. Honestly, I wasn't feeling all that hungry. However, I just needed to hang out with someone right now. I took out my phone in the empty classroom.

[You have invited King_of_the_Bakus, Ice_Ice_Infant, Red_Stallion, and Deck_em to chat. Undo?]

[Yes        No]

I clicked no and started messaging them.

Can I sit with one of you?

Of course!


Ask shitty hair. Idgaf

Yeah, Naka-bro! You wanna
talk in private or just wanna
sit n chat?

Either way is fine. Just feeling
a little lonely I guess.

I'm sitting with Midoriya,
Uraraka, and Iida so idk.
Just sit with one of us I

I stood up and made my way to the lunch room. I had only been in there a couple times. Immediately, I was called over by both Midoriya-san and Kirishima-san. Their groups were sitting apart, due to Bakugo-san's hate for Midoriya-san. "I can't decide who to sit with", I explained to them as they walked up. Apparently, this caused a commotion. "Sit with us, Naka-kun!", both Uraraka-chan and Mina-chan yelled. "Please do not shout in the lunch room! It causes a distraction!", Iida said while doing the very thing he said not to do. Eventually, the two groups played rock, paper, scissors to 'win me over'. I don't get enough sleep for this.

"Haha!! We win!", Mina-chan hugged Denki-san. I turned to the other group. "I'll sit with you guys next time. I'm sorry", I bowed and sat with the 'baku-squad'. That's at least what everyone called them. "That was an ominous text you sent. I was scared that it was super serious", Kirishima-san said as he stuffed his face with food. "What text?", Sero asked. I opened my phone and showed him. "I would be scared too. Wait a sec, your name for Bakugo is 'King of the Bakus'?", he asked with a laugh. "Yes". Bakugo-san seemed to fill up with pride. "At least someone knows it. The rest of y'all are ignorant assholes", he said. I sweat-dropped. "Can I see what you call everyone?", Mina took my phone from Sero-san without any confirmation.

I sighed. Bakugo-sab and Kirishima-san were both starting to get annoyed, although Kirishima-san was better at hiding it. Denki-san, Mina-chan, and Sero-san were scrolling through my phone and laughing at my names for people. Suddenly, their voices held confusion. "Who are Ai-san, Otou-Hizashi, and Toshi-tokki?", Denki-san asked. My eyes widdened and I got up with a slam. Their eyes were now on me. "Give it back", I said desperately. "But who are they?", Mina-chan asked again. "Do we know them?". I was walking towards them, getting angery and anxious. Not a good combo (I accidently typed 'combro' and realised how Kirishima that sounded).

"Please. Give it back", I pleaded, hoping that I wouldn't have to snatch it away. "But you haven't an--" "It doesn't matter!", I yelled. The lunch room got quiet. "Just give it back. Please", I was walking closer, holding out my hand. They gave me my phone and we sat down. "Hey, we're sorry. We didn't mean to invade your personal space", I didn't listen. Instead, I just sat with phone in hand and my arms wrapped around my knees, my forehead touching my kneecaps. "Hey, you said you wanted to talk earlier. What was it about?", Kirishima-san asked, changing the subject. "I don't know", I replied, head still down. "Alright. Y'know what? Before the party tonight, I'm going to talk to you. You can invite anyone you also wanna talk to. That sound cool?", I nodded, rubbing my head on my knees. "Pinky promise", it was then when I raised my head. I was filled with memories of my pinky promises to my family figures. I was filled with child-like glee, and I was sure everyone could see it. I raised my pinky gingerly. His wrapped around mine. "It's a promise then!", he said. I nodded.


I'm going to publish the Halloween special tomorrow, so don't worry!

Don't forget to vote for who you want Yashi to end up with:
Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo, or Kirishima

So far, Bakugo has two votes, Todoroki has one, Kirishima has one, and Midoriya has zero.


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