Chapter 21: Noodles and Candy + Midterms Suck Ass

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3rd P.O.V. :

It was a sunny Sunday. Birds flew and sang, and students roamed around with their friends. However, as much as he would have liked to do the latter, Yashiro was stuck last minute studying. Sure, he studied with his classmates and tended to study on his own time, but studying a little more couldn't hurt, right? "You need to take a break, Yashi. Get some sunlight", Aizawa ruffled the comparatively smaller high school student. "No, I need to be sure I understand this concept--", "Nah, just ask Hizashi later. You are studying English, right?" Yashiro nodded and scribbled something on the paper before setting his pencil onto the table. He turned to his adoptive father. "Are you really sure that I can? What if I miss it on the quiz? Are you coming with me? What will I do if--", "Yes you can. You won't miss it because you have been studying since 5 a.m. That's up to you. If people recognize you, they won't try anything. How about you go with one of your classmates and I stay at home." Yashiro looked at his dad in bewilderment. "How the fuck did he know what I was about to ask???", he thought to himself. Just then, he got a text from a very familiar person.


Get me some ramen,

Okay, I'll be ready in a bi-
t. Text me the location.


There you go with the
fucking emotes! Cut
that shit out. Meet
me at XXXXX


Will do!


( ・⩌ ・)ノ゙

Yashiro looked at his dad who had gone and gotten coffee from the kitchen. "Well, I have a classmate to hang out with for a bit. What time do I need to be home by?", "Around 3. 'Till then, do as you please." Yashiro nodded and began to go and get ready.

(Time Skip like 15 minutes)

"Bye, dad", Yashiro yelled, as best as he could, to the tired man. He shut the door before hearing an answer. As he made his way the the custom-ramen restaurant, he took the time to look at his surroundings. Suddenly, he felt someone tug his pant leg. Turning around, he saw a small girl. She was pale, had white hair, and had a horn growing out of the side of her forehead. The thing that stuck out the most, however, was her red eyes. "Eri", a Male voice called. Yashiro noticed the girl tense up and slowly make her way back into the alley. Yashiro could practically see the red flags, but he still let her go. Little did he know, that would be a mistake. (Quick A/N: I know this is early, I'm just adding in some parallels)

"Oi, get the fuck over here", Bakugo called Yashiro over. Yashiro trotted over to the slightly taller blonde. "I have enough for each of us to get something, so get whatever you'd like", Yashiro in instructed. Bakugo scoffed, "I was already gonna do that." Yashiro's lips twitched upward for a sec, before going back into their resting positions. They both sat at a booth and waited patiently for a waiter or waitress.

Only then did Bakugo notice Yashiro's dangly earrings. "The fuck are those?", he pointed to them and made a confused face. Yashiro looked around for a second before realizing what he was pointing at. "Oh, I got these a couple years ago, but I tend to keep them clean. Do they make you uncomfortable?", Yashiro explained and titled his head slightly. Bakugo turned a slight pink, but with his natural skin tone, it wasn't that noticable. "I don't care. Do what you want", Bakugo huffed.

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