Chapter 13: Sports Festival Part One

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3rd Person P.O.V.:

Two weeks had almost passed and every student at U.A. finished training for the Festival. Author-san knows that this chapter is going to be long as fuck, and they quietly tell whoever is reading this, to strap in for the ride. They gave a thumbs-up and began typing once more.

It was a normal day, and everyone was excited for the Sports Festival. Lunch time had arrived in no time at all. However, there was a problem for the students of class 1-A. There was a river of students just outside the door, making it impossible for anyone to come in or to go out. "What the hell are they doing?", Mineta asked, rather loudly. "They're scouting out the competition, loser", replied Bakugo as he walked towards the group. "There's no point though." Yashiro quietly opened the other door, hoping that he wouldn't have to walk through such a large, cramped area. He sighed. There were too many students. Just then, Yashiro spotted someone who was taller than the rest, making their way to the main door. They made eye contact, but only for a moment.

"Outta my way, extras" "Don't call them 'extras' just because you don't know them!" The guy Yashiro saw had finally made way. "I came to see what the famous class 1-A is like...But you seem pretty arrogant. Are all of the class's students like this?", Shinsou looked around a bit while he said that, once again making quick eye contact with Yashi. All of the other students were shaking their heads 'no'. Turning his attention back to Bakugo, he said, "Something like this makes me disappointed. A lot of people got put into general studies or other classes because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?" Bakugo clicked his tongue. "The school is giving us another chance. Based on how well we do in the Sports Festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course....And they may also be transferring out students. Scouting out the enemy? I, at least, came to tell you that even if you are in the hero course, if you get carried away, I'll sweep the chance out from under you. I came with a declaration of war." 'This person is also pretty bold!!', the rest of the class thought to themselves.

The two stared at each other. Neither of them blinked or moved. That is, until this one guy with silver hair and an intense expression joined in the conversation. "Hey hey! I'm from class B and I heard you guys took down some villains so I came to ask about it! Don't get so full of yourself!", Tetsutetsu growled. 'Another bold person?!', deja vu was presenting itself this afternoon. "If ya bark too much, it won't be as fun in the real fight! Hey! Are you listening to me?!", Tetsutetsu shouted, sort of drifting away due to movement of the students. The crowd shifted and allowed Bakugo to walk through the sea of people.

After that whole dilemma, the rest of the day went smoothly. "If you are going to train tonight, don't push yourself. Just do some running or something like that. Goodnight, you little shits", Aizawa cursed that last part quietly. It seems that only a few people were paying attention to what he was saying. My boi Iida was making damn sure he understood, while the Baku Squad was doing their own thing. The bell had rung just a few minutes before these conversations and such.

"I wanna get home. I'm getting these bandages off tomorrow and that doesn't start until after I help Hizashi with grading papers", Aizawa said as he peered over at Yashiro. The boy nodded and picked up his things. They made their way to the car and, eventually, made it home.

(Time Skip)

Walking into the arena felt like walking into a pit of darkness while everyone eyes you. I mean, even if that's not what was happening, Yashiro felt like it was. He checked to make sure that his zipper was pulled all the way up. To his comfort, it was. Sighing in relief, he made his way to the class 1-A waiting room. Well, at least the one he was told that all of the class would be in before the festival begins. He opened the door.

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