Chapter 11: In the Mind of a Coward

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Many years ago...

Watari's P.O.V.:

I have never been fully okay. I've always had this sort of off feeling; Both about my son, and about how I personally feel. He's a good kid, but he just has this weird sort of aura (it's called the gay).

It was now time to pick him up from preschool. For once, in a long time really, I had been glad to leave the house. It's not that I don't like going outside, it's just that i have really pale skin (same) and I sunburn easily. Whistling a tune, I started the car and drove to the preschool.

"Daddy!", Yashiro shouted and jumped once he saw me. I smiled fondly. I picked him up and gave him a piggy-back ride and walked over to the sign-out station. "Good morning, Mr. Nakandashi. How has your day been?", the secretary, known as Ms. Yoko asked. "Today's been going pretty well. Yashiro here didn't cause any trouble, did he?", Ms. Yoko shook her head. "He's been getting more talkative, but that's only natural for his age. It's nothing we can't handle." I nodded and waved as a goodbye.

(Skip ahead one year)

"Daddy! Daddy! So, I just became friends with this one boy who has wings! His name is Tenshi, I think? I'll ask him tomorrow, but yeah! I have a friend now!", Yashiro ranted on about how he had helped the kid off of the monkey bars when he got scared. It seems that kids still connect quickly. I chuckled and went to go make dinner. But then he said something that stuck with me. "He was so cute!"

"...What?", I asked hesitantly. "Yeah! I just know he's going to be popular when he's older!" I shook my head. Of course, there's no way my kid is gay. I've been very cautious about keeping him away from that or anything to do with those disgusting creatures.

(Skip ahead 6 months)
I had gone to take a nap on the couch, when I heard Yashiro and his mother talking. She had taken the day off to spend time with Yashiro. "But the thing is, is I like him. Like, like him like him! What do I do? It makes my stomach all yucky" "Well, just tell him how you feel. If he doesn't like you, then that's okay. You're too young for that kind of thing anyway" I almost gagged right then and there. My son, my Yashiro, had a crush on some kid, a boy for that matter. The thing that really got me going, was that my wife actually supported him! She might as well be gay or some shit if she supports it. (Any other fellow writers just wanna slap their own characters?)

(Skip one more year)
My wife and I had been arguing ever since that incident. I was starting to feel like my love for her was just a feeling that I happened to act upon. "I thought you would be more supportive! He's our son for crying out loud! It's not like he's going to go out and have sex with any stranger he sees!" "It's just not right! In the bible, it says that a man shall not sleep with another man! If I had known he would turn out this way, I would have never have gotten you pregnant!" "IT SAYS MAN SHALL NOT SLEEP WITH A BOY (Meaning, no pedophilia, which is the Greek translation [which also happens to be more accurate so])! HE'S NOT EVEN OLD ENOUGH FOR THOSE KINDS OF THINGS! IF ANYTHING, YOU ARE SEXUALIZING OUR CHILD, WATARI! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN ME PREGNANT'? I THOUGHT YOU WOULD HAVE LOVED OUR CHILD NO MATTER WHAT!" "WELL, MAYBE YOU THOUGHT WRONG!". And with that, the house went silent.

(Skip six months)
That son of a bitch is now eight years old. He looked so happy, that it made my stomach churn. Just a week ago, my ex-wife was able to file a divorce against me. She had custody every other day, torturing me in the process. Yashiro turned to me, with that gross smile of his, and said, "Now you and mommy won't fight!"

(Skip a couple days)
Wait....maybe I could sell him to some junkies...? Doesn't Seiji run a prison? They have plenty (not trying to offend anyone. This is just how Watari thinks, and tbh, I think a lot of ignorant people think this way)! They could just throw him into a cell or something. They could gangbang, and then we'll see if he wants to be a gay piece of shit then! I quickly dialed Seiji and told him we were coming over to visit the prison in a week. Maybe I should get compensated in someway? I did stay at home for eight wasted (stay at home parents aren't wasting their time, he just feel like he has because his child is gay. Again, not really trying to offend anyone) years. 2,000,000 yen a month seems to be enough!

(Skip a week)
"Ready to go?", he nodded his head and I grabbed his luggage, much to my disgust. I got in the car, started it, and started driving. "So...where are we going?", I groaned in my thoughts. "We're going to a prison that my friend runs", I answered truthfully. I had my voice tone in such a way, that I could act like I was actually sad about this departure. I realized that he must have gotten scared because of what I had said. I sighed, "You didn't do anything wrong. Plus, you'll be well protected. I'm just...just not able to do that...anymore...", I grimaced and kept my eyes on the road.

Just you wait, Yashiro. You'll be so scarred, that you'll wish you never decided to be gay in the first place.

"Hey Watari! It's been a while, huh?", Seiji bellowed. I nodded and let him get a view of Yashiro. "Well, what do we have here?" "This is my son, Yashiro. I was wondering if he could stay here for a while...?" Seiji paused, before agreeing. Seiji took Yashiro with him for a tour of the building. I walked up to a guard. "That kid that you just saw with us? Let the other guards know that you can do whatever you want to him", the guards eyes widened. He glanced at the boy from the hall, before turning to me once again. "I'm guessing you want compensation for him?", I nodded. The guard smirked. "How much?" I pretended to think for a moment. "About 2,000,000 yen a month", at this, the guard thought it over. Eventually, we shook games on it.
This, my once-was-child, is what you deserve.

(Skip one year)
I've been successful since that day. My life has become so much better since I cut two toxic people out of my life. What am I doing now, you ask? Little things. I've become a provider for the League of Villains, but I don't go on missions with them. I just provide money and synopsis on local heroes. Nothing much.

I've become the CEO of a store-chain called W*lMart [;)]. I can tell that some of the managers were suspicious when I suddenly got the position, but it doesn't bother me much.

(Skip another year. If you get confused, Yashi is 10 rn)
I spotted a boy who seemed perfect for the LoV(e. I'll just go now). He had red hair and burnt skin in certain areas. I would have talked to him, but it really isn't my job. I let him be, but slowly smirked while thinking about it.

I lit a blunt once I had found the hideout. It was a habit I had picked up after meeting up with Giran for business. Taking a huff, I opened the door. Shigaraki looked my way.
I closed the door behind me and sat a seat away from him. "What do you want, Watari?" "Nothing", I took another huff. "Just dropping off my monthly payment" Shigaraki looked away and swirled his drink. "Just leave it here. Sensei isn't going to be here today", I nodded and watched as
Kurogiri walked behind the bar counter. I placed a stack of cash on the counter. Kurogiri counted the money then nodded. "Have a good month, Mr. Nakandashi" "Will do", I replied.

(Skip two years. So, the day Yashi gets a new home)
I was walking in the Tatooin district, when all of a sudden, I saw someone I would never had hoped to see. My ex-wife.
She seemed to notice me too, and looked around. We both stopped walking towards one another. Her face twisted into one of realization. "Where's Yashiro?", I smirked. "Oh, that thing? I gave him up", Her face dropped. She started sobbing and I could feel her hair as she passed by me. "I'll never forgive you, Watari", she growled.

(Skip three years)
What is going on? It feels like I can't breathe. Why am I chained up? What's happening? I can't see. Suddenly, something was taken off of my face. The lights were brighter than expected, making me cringe. "Are you Nakandashi Watari?", a voice asked. I groaned. "Who's asking?" The person huffed, "I'm Officer Tsukauchi. You've been charged with the selling of a boy for prostitution and for robbery" I opened my eyes to find a man in his 30's. I smirked at his claims. "Prostitution? He wanted it so I don't see what was wrong. What proof do you have?", Tsukauchi placed some papers onto the interrogation desk. "There was proof of trauma, both mental and physical. Plus, some of your D.N.A. was left at a bank that was recently robbed." I thought about it, before sneering. I'm really going to end ☝ in jail, aren't I? "Also, your ex-wife claims to not have seen or have custody of her son if four years. Even if the robbery incident was just a coincidence, we would still have to charge you with a penalty of 30 years in prison." I looked down. This is actually happening. There's no way I'm getting out of this. Oh well, I would have been killed by the LoV anyway; I was going to cut them off next week. My face went blank. "You think you're so smart, huh? I guess you got me, Mr. Detective. So, what are you going to do now? Shoot me?", he was silent. Multiple guards opened the doors. I was lead away, not even putting up a struggle. Well, this is it. I'm done for.


Hey, so I gtg. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for the 1.11k reads!


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