Chapter 18: Hero Agencies and Nomus

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3rd Person's P.O.V. :

Aizawa stood in front of the class before briefly getting settled in. Of course, he just made sure that everyone did their homeowork. Denki and Mina got in trouble for forgetting about the assignments, but everyone else was fine. The week seemed to fly by.

(Time Skip)

It was finally the last day before internships. Let's just say, the whole class was excited. To name some individuals who were extra hyped up, Mineta was more pervy than usual, Iida seemed off putting yet happy with his decision, and Yashi was radiating positivity. All sat in class with smiles on their faces. Well, except for the usual people who don't smile. For example, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Tokoyami.

Monday came earlier than expected. Class 1-A met at the school and then came to a near by bus station. Of course, only a few people were heading in the same direction, and everyone was heading to a different agency. Well, that was until the other hero class showed up. Monoma teased the class, but Itsuka hit him upside the head.

With that, everyone, including the teachers, went their separate ways. Yashiro pulled out some earbuds, untangled them, and plugged them into his phone. Finding Todoroki on the same bus, he sat next to him, earbuds in his ears at this point. "Hello", Todoroki quietly greeted. Yashiro nodded in response. Todoroki then asked if he could listen to what Yashiro was listening to. Yashi complied, giving Todoroki one of his ear buds. Let's just say, he really didn't expect this short, cute, and seemingly pure boy to be listening to rap music. It seems like he was pretty fucking wrong. The music was also in another language. Actually, two different languages. He picked up on some english words, but what the hell were they saying?

"If you're wondering, the song is in both Korean and English. I guess you didn't expect me to enjoy this kind of style, am I right?", the face Todoroki made when he put in the earbud told Yashiro everything. "I also listen to english punk rock. It's pretty good. I think you'd like it", Yashiro told him as he started to scroll on his phone. Todoroki hummed, thinking for a second.

"Do you listen to English rap too?", Todoroki inquired while stroking his chin. Yashiro struggled not to let a chuckle escape at the action and current face that Todoroki was making. "Well, I guess it depends on what kind. If it's all about sex and expenses, I don't really care for it. Though, if it has a good beat, then I guess I would still enjoy it", Yashiro thought seriously. He had never really heard any other raps in English speaking countries, except for a few sad raps, but that wasn't really asked specifically. Todoroki hummed once more, this time taking out his phone.

"What other music do you listen too?" "I don't know. 'Haven't really dabbled in other genres. Maybe 80's rock?", Yashiro replied, subconsciously smiling at the thought of 'Smooth Criminal' by Michael Jackson. Todoroki nodded, satisfied with the answer provided. "What about you? Anything you like to listen to?", Yashiro asked while tilting his head slightly. Todoroki thought for a second. "I didn't get to listen to music throughout my child hood, so no particular style really jumps out at me. I guess I like Piano covers or traditional songs on the flute", Todoroki shrugged his shoulders. It was Yashiro's turn to hum. "Well, I'll respect your tastes. If you don't like it, you don't like it. I mean, you don't have to keep that ear bud in if you don't want to."

Todoroki shrugged and kept the earbud in. Maybe he would discover something that he likes? Soon, both arrived at their respective locations, only to notice that they were heading the same direction.

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