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"We're here!" Namjoon chimed as their black Toyota Prius pulled up to the foster home's cobblestone sidewalk.

The foster home was a beautiful, two storey brick building with small vines growing along the sides. Bushes of bright red roses lined the walkway's path that eventually led to the entrance. The building was fenced off with elegant white gates and a large playground stood to its side.

Children ran across the fields in groups as they chased one another while some played on the jungle gym. A group of boys had managed to find a soccer ball and were kicking it around the field, their laughter filling the summer air as the sun shone down on them.

Namjoon couldn't help but laugh as he watched his husband press his nose to the car window, eyes widening in curiosity as he watched the kids continue to play on the field. However, he knew that Seokjin was actually looking for their sons.

"I need to see them before they see me!" Seokjin whined as Namjoon stepped out of the car and rolled his eyes at the older.

"Come on babe. Let's go get our sons," Namjoon murmured as he took Seokjin's hand in his and the two men began to make their way to the entrance.


"Ah the Kim family! Welcome to Rosewood Foster Homes! I'm Bae Joohyun, the director!" the young woman greeted and shook both men's hand.

Joohyun was wearing a light blue, cashmere sweater with a pair of white slacks. Her light brown hair had been styled into a casual ponytail and her face radiated with kindness.

Then, she directed them to her office and seated them on the two chairs in front of her desk.

"My husband and I have been really looking forward to seeing the boys. By the way, where are they?" Namjoon wondered as he looked out the massive windows behind Joohyun and saw the multiple children running around on the foster home grounds.

"Taeyong and Ten are in their rooms packing up. They've been looking forward to meeting their soon to be parents and little Ten has been bouncing off the walls!" Joohyun laughed, her face lighting up the room and easing Seokjin and Namjoon's nerves.

"Can you tell us a little bit about Ten and Taeyong? I only read the letter from the foster home and it didn't tell me anything about them," Seokjin explained and Joohyun beamed. She was more than happy to talk about her favourite kids.

"Well Ten and Taeyong were born to Thai and Korean parents. Their parents split a year after they were born and Taeyong was raised in Korea while Ten in Thailand. However, Taeyong was given up here since his father didn't really want Taeyong around and the poor boy was depressed beyond belief when he got here. He became a little happier when Ten arrived here, but it was under the worst of circumstances. Their mother had passed after a terrible accident and no family wanted to take him in too so they sent him here. The staff and I always had a soft spot for them since we raised them since they were quite little," Joohyun murmured and flashed the couple a warm smile.

However, the director was interrupted by a little hurricane named Taeyong bursting into the room. Not far behind him, another staff member was pulling their luggage with a hand and holding little Ten's hand.


Taeyong's dark brown hair was styled in a wild and carefree way and his mischievous eyes twinkled in the light as he playfully stuck his tongue out at the director. Ten, on the other hand, had the same matching brown hair but his was much shorter than Taeyong's. His round, chocolate brown eyes stared up at Seokjin and Namjoon and he hid behind the staff member.

Once the caretaker left, Ten began to cry since he hated being left alone by his favourite caretaker. He held onto his stuffed bear tightly and didn't notice one of the men lean forward and seat the five year old on his lap.

Running his hands through the boy's hair, the strange man managed to calm him down. But, before he could introduce himself, Ten had already fallen asleep on his lap, a habit he had developed since he was a baby.

Taeyong was amazed at the sight. Not only did a stranger manage to calm his little brother, but he had gotten Ten to fall asleep too! Only Miss Bae and their caretaker was able to do that!

"Woah! Did you see that Miss Bae?!" Taeyong exclaimed giddily, accidentally waking his brother and earning a warning glare from the director.

"Calm your jets there, tiger. There's some special people here to meet you and Ten today!" Joohyun chimed and Taeyong turned to face the two other men.

"The mailman and his best friend?!" Taeyong and Ten exclaimed giddily, but tilted their heads when Joohyun laughed and shook her head.

"No silly goose! You boys are going to be adopted today!"

"Really Miss Bae?! By who?!" the two asked excitedly and Joohyun gestured to Seokjin and Namjoon, who smiled nervously at them.

"The man with the dark hair is Kim Namjoon and the one holding Ten is Kim Seokjin," Joohyun pointed out kindly and the two waved excitedly at the two.

"Wow! Are you guys brothers?!" Taeyong marveled at the fact that they shared the same last name.

"We're going to be your fathers!" Seokjin explained and saw a flicker of confusion in Taeyong and Ten's eyes before it turned into excitement.

"Woah!" Ten giggled and Taeyong approached Seokjin, placing his little hands on the older's knees as he struggled to climb onto his lap.

Seeing his brother's struggle, Ten stuck his tongue out at Taeyong and buried himself deeper into Seokjin's chest.

"No fair, Ten! I want Seokkie to hold me too!" Taeyong whined, but quieted down when Namjoon took him into his lap and presented a toy car out of his pocket.

"Wait! I want to go home with Namjoonie!"

"No! You're gonna go home with Seokkie!"

"I want a toy car too!"

"Boys! Boys! No need to worry about who's going home with who," Joohyun assured and the twins turned to face the director after shooting each other pointed glares.

"Why Miss Bae?"

"Because both of you will be going home with Namjoon-ah and Seokjin-ah!"

Still, the two were confused. Until Ten saw the matching rings on both men's fingers and he reached over to tug insistently on Taeyong's shirt.

"Taeyongie! Taeyongie! Look!" Ten exclaimed and pointed to the rings, which Taeyong immediately noticed and began to fidget with.

"They're married! We're gonna have two dads, TenTen! We're gonna have two dads!" Taeyong cheered and the two immediately ran out of the room to finish packing their things so they could go home with their new fathers.

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