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"Daddy, Appa. I want another baby brother!"

Choking on his water, Seokjin coughed into a nearby cloth while Namjoon hit the brakes a little too hard. The twins yelped at the sudden jerking of the car and Jungkook let out a tiny whine, his teething ring falling to the floor from the movement.

The family of five were coming home from Taeyong's first baseball game. They managed to win 10-6 and Taeyong even hit a home run, earning lots of cheers from the parents who watched. Kun, the team's coach, made sure to congratulate Taeyong with a chocolate bar.

What made the game much more enjoyable for Namjoon and Seokjin was seeing Taeyong run around the bases and field with the biggest smile on his face. Despite being one of the tiniest on the team, Taeyong was just as determined as the other kids. Although he missed a few of his swings, the oldest Kim boy wanted to swing and hit.

"Oh? How come, honey?" Seokjin asked, peering at them through the rear view mirror.

"Kookie can't play with us cause he's small and we don't wanna wait for him to be as big as us! That'll take forever!" Ten whined, throwing himself dramatically onto Jungkook's car seat. The baby laughs at his hyung, babbling as his chubby fingers begin to play with his hair.

"Yeah! Kookie probably wants someone to play with him! Me and Ten still have school and Kookie might want someone to play with while we're gone!" Taeyong adds, earning a round of nods from Ten and some giggles from Jungkook.

"Ooh! Ooh! Maybe we can get a pet too!"

"Calm your jets there, Tae. That is a lot of good points, but your appa and I still have to think about it," Namjoon interjects from the driver's seat and the twins look pleadingly towards Seokjin.

"Don't shift the subject to me, Kim Namjoon!" Seokjin yelled and smacked Namjoon's shoulder, earning a chuckle from his husband.

"Please Appa! I think Jungkookie wants someone too!" Ten pleaded with a big smile and Jungkook lifted his head, giggling and clapping like the happy baby that he was.

"Dada!" Jungkook giggles, doe eyes sparkling as he stared at his appa.

"I'll think about it. Doesn't mean it's a yes though!" Seokjin huffed with a pout, but cracked a tiny smile when the twins started cheering. He glanced at Namjoon with an adoring gaze and the professor reached over to squeeze his spouse's hand.


"So Kookie! You need to share your room and toys with our new brother or else he'll be sad! Don't pull his hair too!"

"Dada!" Jungkook giggled while tilting his head cutely, teething ring once more in his mouth as he watched his older brothers. He wanted to get down and walk around like usual, but the eleven month old couldn't find his parents anywhere and chose to stay in his crib.

Taeyong and Ten grunted as they used every bit of their strength to push Jungkook's dressser. However, it was too heavy for them and they slumped in defeat.

"Maybe we should get Daddy?" Ten piped up, but frowned when Taeyong shook his head.

"It's gonna be a surprise so we can't tell them!" Taeyong hissed, going back to pushing the white dresser. Unfortunately, it still didn't move and Taeyong let out a whine. He hated it when he couldn't do something, even if he tried with all his might.


The twins let out a squeak when the door swung open and revealed Namjoon and Seokjin. Jungkook screeched happily when he saw his parents, making grabby hands towards them and giggling when Seokjin picked him up.

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