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"Daddy look! Airplanes!" Taeyong exclaimed excitedly as he waved Namjoon over. Pressing his nose to the large window, the six year old stared in awe as he watched planes land and take off from the runway, their loud engines making the glass rumble.

In celebration of Jungkook's addition, Namjoon decided that he would take his family on a well deserved vacation. It was getting close to the holidays and Seokjin had been whining to find a place where they could escape Ilisan's first few weeks of winter, having come down with a cold earlier in the week.

"Where are those planes going, Daddy?" Taeyong wondered as he watched a small, green and yellow plane take off. Namjoon crouched down to Taeyong's height and ruffled his hair, making the boy giggle.

"I'm not sure, Taeyong. Maybe it's going to America like us!" Namjoon chirped.

"How come we're not on that plane then, Daddy?" Taeyong argued, not fully understanding the concept of flights.

"Well you see. Sometimes planes fly to the same country as us, but not to where we want to go. That plane might be headed to a state like New York, but we're headed to California, which is a different state," Namjoon explained slowly and watched Taeyong's lips form into an 'o' shape.

"Has Appa been to America like you?" Taeyong asked, his big eyes widening with curiosity as he stared at Namjoon.

"Yep! I took him on a vacation there once, but we weren't married yet," the older replied.

"Where did you go to?" Taeyong quizzed. He was always asking questions about America and Namjoon found it adorable.

"I took him to Chicago. Your Appa ate a lot of pizza while we were there," Namjoon chuckled as he remembered Seokjin dragging him into restaurants.

"Taeyong! Namjoon! We're back!" Seokjin called out as he arrived with a plastic bag containing four take-out cartons in his arm and pushing Jungkook's stroller while keeping an eye on Ten. The three had ventured off to find lunch and Ten spotted a burger restaurant. Having a sudden craving for the sandwiches, Seokjin and Ten ordered for themselves and Namjoon and Taeyong.

"Appa!" Taeyong squealed as he ran towards Seokjin and embraced his legs, causing the latter to laugh and swoop Taeyong into his arms.

"Ah Taeyong! Don't press your face against the window so much, sweetie! Your face mask's gonna get dirty!" Seokjin reminded as he gently wiped some dust off Taeyong's light purple, strawberry printed face mask. The little boy scrunched his nose at his appa and lowered the mask to playfully stick his tongue out at him.

After lowering Taeyong back onto the ground, Seokjin reached into the bag and gave Taeyong and Ten their lunches, smiling as they ran towards their daddy with his food as well. The three were busy in their own little world, presumably chatting about America and Seokjin chuckled to himself. Now, he could focus on his next task.

Jungkook was starting to get fussy and began to cry, a sign that he was hungry. Reaching into the stroller, Seokjin removed Jungkook from his makeshift bed and pulled out a bottle from the bag that dangled off his shoulder. Removing the cap, the older sat down and gently placed the bottle into the infant's mouth, giggling to himself as Jungkook greedily drank the milk.

Jungkook had only been in their lives for a week, but Seokjin and Namjoon felt like the baby had been with them for much longer. Taeyong and Ten had fallen in love with their baby brother, the twins doting on Jungkook endlessly with kisses and playing peek-a-boo for hours on end. They were often found following Seokjin around the house when he had Jungkook in his arms, which made Namjoon compare them to a mother duck and her ducklings.

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