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Seokjin freezes at that moment, almost dropping his coffee mug and the phone he held in his hand. Turning around, he finds find his youngest sitting on the floor and waving a wooden spoon around in his chubby fist. He's got the biggest toothy grin on his face and he's wiggling madly, per usual. Seokjin felt his heart swell with love and he bites his bottom lip, hoping that Jungkook didn't see his teary eyes and would burst into tears too.

"Dada!" Jungkook shrieks, banging the wooden spoon on the floor like a drum. Normally, Seokjin would scold Jungkook about that, but he's still in shock over the baby.

His son just said his first word!

"Appa! We're home!" Ten calls out from the entrance and Seokjin finally snaps out of his trance. Namjoon enters the kitchen first, greeting Seokjin with a sweet kiss and bending down to take Jungkook into his arms. The baby screeches when he notices his daddy's face, little hands fiddling with his features and glasses.

"Kookie!" Taeyong giggles and Jungkook squeals, loving the attention that was all on him.


Like Seokjin, Namjoon nearly dropped whatever he was holding, this time being Jungkook. The professor gazed at his son with wide eyes, a dimpled smile appearing on his face while Jungkook gave him a heart-shaped smile.

"Dada! Dada!" the baby screams, peeking over Namjoon's shoulder and bouncing when Seokjin waves at him.

"Oh yeah. That's what you missed earlier," Seokjin laughs, making his way towards Namjoon and taking the baby from him. The little boy looks excitedly between his parents, hands drumming against Seokjin's arms as he babbles animatedly. Seeing that Namjoon was still in a trance, the older rolled his eyes and kissed his husband's plump lips, ignoring the annoyed screeches of their baby boy.

"Pick your jaw off the floor, honey. You'll catch flies in your mouth."

"Our little Kookie said his first word!" Namjoon exclaimed and peppers his youngest's face with kisses, earning a round of excited squeaking from Jungkook.

"Dada!" the baby giggled and to celebrate, Namjoon grabs one of Jungkook's sippy cups and filled it with banana milk. Normally, Seokjin and Namjoon only allowed Jungkook to have it once or twice a week, having been given some yesterday. But since the youngest Kim just said his first word, the parents decided to spoil him a little.

"Daddy! Appa! Look at what I made!" Taeyong called out excitedly as he ran into the kitchen, clutching onto a piece of paper with his small hand. Namjoon smiled at the elder twin and sat down at the table, gently taking the paper from Taeyong and he beams.

Taeyong had drawn the five of them in front of their home and Namjoon was in awe over his son's attention to detail. Like Ten, Taeyong drew well for someone his age, going a little beyond stick figures and drew basic body builds. It was coloured brightly and the professor chuckled when he noticed that Taeyong drew his dimples and even wrote the measurements for Seokjin's shoulders.

"Mister Taehyung told us we should draw our families today because he wanted to show us that there were different types of families other than a mommy and a daddy! We did a show and tell too and Mister Taehyung said we should bring a picture of our families so we can build a family wall!" Taeyong added gleefully, pointing to the drawing of Jungkook holding a wooden spoon.

"This is awesome, Tae! We gotta put this on the fridge!" Seokjin exclaims once he wanders over to where they were. The older carefully took the drawing to the fridge, where he hung it up beside Ten's own drawing of their family.


"Jaemin honey, please don't eat those toys. They're not food," Sicheng sighed as he pries the toy truck out of his youngest's hands, earning a protesting squeak from the baby.

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