Nothing Unusual

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A silver haired male padded down the hall, an unimpressed look on his face. A loud scream startled the male, quickening his stride towards a room. Quickly, without warning he opened the door and stared blankly at his king and a black haired female. Her yellow eyes fixed one the purple haired male in disgust.

"You're a pig! Sleeping with majority all of the women in this kingdom then attempting to assault're disgusting! How can you call yourself a king if you're nothing but a-" Her harsh voice shouted before being cut off by a softer voice from behind her.

"Lady Misai, your mother sent me to accompany you back to her and the others...I'd suggest not to keep her waiting," the older male informed as he stood up straight. His green eyes locking with hers.

"Mark my words Sinbad...I'll put a stop to you assaulting women, even if I have to do it myself," she huffed walking towards the door, elbowing the silver haired male out of the way. "I don't need you to accompany me anywhere. Anyone that takes orders from scum like him are just as bad," and with that, she left the room.

Silence filled the room for a few good minutes before the younger male broke the silence, his brows in a frown as he stared at the older purple haired male.

"Sin! What'd I tell you about trying to assault the princess...unlike all those other girls that fall head over heels for you in an instant, she's different...there's no way she'd be interested in sleeping with you," he sighed, disappointedly.

"Is that a challenge, Jafar?" Sinbad snickered, getting up from the chair he sat on.

"No!" Jafar shouted, narrowing his eyes at his king.

Sinbad looked the younger males in the eyes and nodded, a playful smile grew on his lips. Jafar blinked a few times as he stared at the male before him blankly, unaware of what he was plotting.

"Well, I'll be back later. I have things that need attending to," he chuckled, making his way out of the room.

"Sin!" Jafar shouted after the older male who stopped in his tracks, turning and facing his advisor. "D-don't do anything stupid...alright?"

"Don't worry Jafar! I'll be fine, besides, since when have I done anything stupid?" He laughed, continuing his way down the hall.

"That's what you always say..." Jafar mumbled under his breath, his hair covering his green eyes.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now