A Final Goodbye

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"We just came here to tell you that we've decided to head off first thing in the morning," Aladdin announced sadly as his eyes met Sinbad's. "I understand safe travels to the four of you. Remember that you're welcome here anytime," Sinbad smiled as the four bowed and walked away.

Jafar grabbed Sinbad's hand and held it tightly as the older male looked at him. His half-closed green eyes stared at the king. "Remember when I...use to stand in the rain for hours?" He asked as Sinbad nodded in response. "I always use to think about what it'd be like to be between the raindrops. I spent countless hours at a time thinking about my life and what was going to come next...I never would of imagined that I'd end up getting married to the man I love," he smiled as the two stared each other in the eyes.

"Jafar..." Sinbad mumbled gently, bringing the younger male in for a passionate kiss. A few minutes later the two pulled away. Jafar's face a dark shade of red as he looked his king in the eyes. Sinbad picked Jafar up bridal style, a smirk on his lips as he headed inside. He wasn't ready for the night to come to a end yet.

Sunlight flooded the room, Jafar opened his eyes slowly as he stared at the ceiling , his whole body ached from the event that took place last night. He sat up slowly as he bit his lip and blushed furiously at the pain. He slowly looked over at Sinbad who slept peacefully. He blushed even harder to the sight of clothes on the floor, he took a deep breath in as a hand grabbed his and held it gently.

"Morning cry baby," Sinbad teased as Jafar shoved a pillow in the older males face. "Th-that's not funny!" the younger male spat, turning away from Sinbad who sat up and wrapped an arm around Jafar. "I'm just teasing you." Jafar rolled his eyes at the king's smart comment as the older male kissed him gently on the cheek.

"Come on grouchy, time to get ready for the day," Sinbad chuckled, kissing him on the cheek again as he got up, Jafar turned away as he quickly, letting a small sigh escape his lips.

A few hours had passed and everyone had woken up and started working, Sinbad had told Jafar to take the day off but the younger male refused too. The shorter male stood beside his king as Hakuei and Kouen stood before them.

"I'm very sorry for what I did," Jafar apologized, lowering his head as Hakuei shook her head.

"Jafar it's fine, honestly," she smiled as she embraced the older male who let out a soft sigh but hugged her back.

"We'll be back to visit soon, don't you worry King Sinbad," Kouen smiled as Sinbad nodded.

"Of course, the two of you and welcome in Sindria anytime," he smiled gently as he and Jafar watched the Kou Empire royals board the boat.

The boats were ready and sailed away as Jafar and Sinbad waved, Jafar letting out a soft sigh. Sinbad raised an eyebrow as a smirk grew on his lips, he picked the younger male up and put him over his shoulder.

"Sin! W-what're you doing?!" The younger male squeaked as Sinbad let out a loud laugh.

"Calm down Jafar."

The king walked back to his castle with the love of his life over his shoulder, who wasn't impressed with his current position, Jafar occasionally squirmed and ordered Sinbad to put him down but the older male ignored his orders.

Shaking his head, Jafar's eyes grew wide, behind Sinbad he could see two familiar figures standing there, a big smile on their faces as one of them had tears running down their cheeks.

"Rurumur...Mystras," Jafar muttered gently as he watched the two figures disappear slowly.

"Hm? What was that?" Sinbad questioned.

"Nothing..." He sighed gently.

"Thank you for everything Rurumur, without you I wouldn't of been able to read and write, I'd have no manners, Mystras, thanks for always being by my side whenever Sinbad had a stupid idea. Sinbad...thank you for saving me all those years ago, without you none of this would of happened, I owe it all to you," Jafar thought happily as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Sinbad stopped and placed the younger male down as he looked at him confusedly. "What's wrong?"

Jafar looked his king in the eyes as the tears became heavier, a big smile on his lips as he threw his arms around the taller male. "T-thank you for everything you've done, Sin."

Sinbad blinked a few times before smiling gently, wrapping his arms around the younger male and pulling him closer.

"I love you Jafar," Sinbad whispered, kissing the younger male on the lips.

A big smile still on Jafar's lips as he put his head on his kings chest. "I love you too, Sin."

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now