In The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time

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Hakuei stood in place shocked, a hand over her mouth as she heard what Jafar said.

"Why King Sinbad...why'd you have to accept my fathers proposal..." she frowned, hurrying down the hallway.

Her black hair hanging on her shoulders, Hakuei hadn't done hair that day, as she wanted to try something new. She quicken her stride as those words played in her head, she felt guilty, knowing that she was engaged to the love of Jafar's life.

"Hakuei? Hey, what's the rush?" Sinbad questioned, watching his fiancé hurry past him.

Grabbing her arm, Sinbad stared at her confusedly, Hakuei didn't look at Sinbad or say anything to him which made him worry. Pulling her close, Sinbad forced her to look into his eyes, his hand holding her small chin.

"Are you alright? You're acting strange," Sinbad asked worriedly, his brows lowering slightly.

"Sinbad...are you sure we should be getting married?" She asked softly, her eyes lowering to the floor.

"Of course I am, why would you ask that?"

"The truth is...I think I'm hurting someone very dear to you...I...can't do that to them..." she stammered, as she felt herself tremble.

"Hakuei...I love you, I'm not going to let whoever it is get in the way of me marrying the most gorgeous girl I've seen in all of my travels," Sinbad told her, as he hugged the younger female tightly.

Hakuei felt tears sting her eyes, if only Sinbad had known about Jafar's feelings for him earlier. Maybe Jafar would be the one in the position she's in now. The two stood wrapped in each other's embraces for what felt like forever, Hakuei felt safe in Sinbad's arms but knew deep down that he wasn't the one.

Night had fallen on Sindria, Sinbad sat with Drakon and Hinahoho, all three males exchanging glances and ideas on how to get rid of the people that posed as a threat to Sindria.

"I think it'd be a good idea for one of the eight generals to be on watch with the guards, that way if things get ugly that general will be able to help prevent as many deaths as there has been," Drakon suggested, sitting straight in his chair as he exchanged glances with Hinahoho.

"I think that's a good idea, that way we'd have a shot at protecting Sindria and the citizens," Hinahoho added in agreement.

Sinbad sighed as he placed his hands on the table. "While that is probably the best idea we've had so far, what about if we loose that general? That's the last we need at the moment."

"Have you seen all of your eight generals? They aren't weak and wouldn't go down that easily, they'd put up twice the fight then the guards ever would," Drakon scoffed in disbelief as Sinbad doubted his generals.

After many ideas and arguments later, Sinbad finally agreed to have one of the eight generals help the guards protect Sindria. He knew they were strong enough to fight but he worried, what if something were to happen to one of them? Then what would he do?

"Now that's decided, the two of you are excused," he breathed softly, as he and the two other generals said their goodnights to each other before parting ways.

Sinbad opened his bedroom door with a sigh, he looked up to see Hakuei standing in place staring at him. A playful smile grew on his lips as he walked over to the black haired female and embraced her in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry beautiful, did I startle you?" He asked with a giggle.

"A little," she smiled as Sinbad let go of her.

The two stood there, awkwardly gazing into each others eyes before Sinbad leant forward and kissed the female before him. The two stood in place, lips locked as their arms snaked around each other. Sinbad broke the kiss as moved his lips to her neck and smirked. Hakuei felt her cheeks grow warm at what was happening, the older male gently placed kisses on the princess's gentle neck, trailing down to her chest.

"S-Sin..." a shaky voice panted heavily.

Turning around quickly, Hakuei and Sinbad were faced with a shocked Jafar, he stood frozen in place, his arms holding up his coat as tears streamed down his cheeks. The chief looked horrible, as if he'd been hurt by someone.

"Jafar?" Sinbad questioned, his eyes wide.

Taking a few steps back, the silvered haired males panting became heavier, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Shaking his head, he darted off as quickly as he could, not looking back at all.

"Jafar! Wait!" Sinbad shouted after the younger male, but it was too late he was already gone.

Sinbad sighed as he turned and faced Hakuei, a hand over her mouth as she stood there, staring at the door, feeling even more guilt build up around her. Sinbad embraced the younger female as he held her close.

"Don't worry about him Hakuei, he'll be me, he's walked in on worse," Sinbad admitted nervously.

But Hakuei found that hard to believe, especially now that she knew how Jafar truly felt about his best friend.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now