The Scars On His Back

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Sinbad sat on a chair, a hand on his chin as he listened to a guard tell him new that he an a few others had received from a clan of hooded people.

"They're threatening to attack Sindria, they injured one of our men," the guard informed, removing a blanket that lay over a corpse of a guard that had been killed quickly.

Sinbad got off the chair he sat on before kneeling down near the body, carefully he examined the wounds on the deceased guards body before him. Then it hit him. He had seen these type of scars and wounds made by a certain weapon. He stood up tall as he faced the guard.

"Double the guard forces and be ready, we might have a fight on our hands, alert all the generals at once but leave Jafar too me," Sinbad ordered, walking out of the room, quickening his stride to get to the ex assassin's room.

Normally Sinbad would knock on Jafar's door but he stopped as he placed his ear against the door, small sobs filled his ears which made him worried. He slowly opened the door as he stared at the young male with his back towards him. His eyes stared at the huge scars on his backs, Sinbad also noticed that he had scars on his arms as well which were usually covered by the red rope of his weapon.

"Jafar..." Sinbad gasped which startled the younger male, causing him to turn.

"S-Sin..." he gulped, facing , so that his back was out of Sinbad's view.

The king rushed over to Jafar before grabbing his arm and forcing him to stand up, his eyes wide of shocked as the younger male stood in place, his head lowered, not daring to look his king in the eyes.

"Where'd you get these?"

Jafar said nothing, he just simply looked down, tears quickly falling down his cheeks.

"Jafar!" Sinbad shouted, causing the younger male to jump and look his king in the eyes.

" these when I was younger from when I was a assassin...the man who gave me these was my old master...I received slashes from my own weapon from him when ever I failed a mission...sometimes it was even just for his own entertainment. Right after I..." he breathed in slowly, trying his best to speak through tears. "Killed my mum and dad."

Sinbad's eyes grew wide, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. The one who had been by his side since the age of 10 had such a dark past, not even Sinbad knew until now. He pulled the younger male in for a hug as he stared down at him.

"You don't have to worry about stuff like that anymore Jafar. It's all over, those people are long gone, don't let their memories way you down."

The younger male nodded before putting his forehead against his king's chest, tears escaping his eyes.

"You know where to find me if you need to talk again," he whispered gently, before walking out of the room.

Jafar picked his shirt up and stared at it, he shook his head before putting it on, a small smile on his face. He sat down on his bed, looking out the window at the moon.

The sound of someone taking a breath started the chief, he quickly jumped off of the bed, weapon gripped tightly in his hands as he walked over to the window, his eyes growing wide.

"A-Akane?" He stuttered, looking at the black haired male before him.

"Jafar, long time no see," the assassin chuckled, looking the older male in the eyes.

"What're you doing here?" Jafar snarled, gripping his weapon.

"I came here to get you, come with me," Akane ordered, extending his hand out to the ex-assassin.

Jafar took a moment to take in what was happening, he took a small sigh and placed a hand on his chest. "Fine...lets get this over with."

And with that, the two males left Sindria. Just outside Sindria crept the ones responsible for the deaths of all the guards.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now