What's Wrong With You?

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"You-" Hakuei covered Jafar's mouth with one of her hands as she shook her head. He couldn't believe what he heard, excitement fluttered inside of him as a huge smile grew on his lips.

The black haired female stood up and walked out as Yamuraiha came back in. Once the door was shut, the green haired female looked at the chief confusedly.

"You seem awfully happy over what she just told you...if you don't mind me asking, what'd she say to you?" The magician asked curiously, looking at the injured male.

"I-I'd...rather not say," he chirped happily, a big smile still on his lips.

"Well you being so...happy is kind of scaring me," she chuckled nervously.

"I'm fine Yam, don't worry about me too much," he sighed gently, his heart racing.

A few days had passed and Jafar was up and working like nothing had happened. He sat at his desk, quill in hand as he wrote out a important document. He put the quill down as he placed a hand on his head, suddenly feeling light headed as his head pounded. He stood up and slowly walked into the bathroom, looking at his reflection as a massive grin grew on his lips.

Taking a few steps back, he shook his head, a huge frown growing on his brows. "I'm gonna kill..." he mumbled gently before shaking his head again.

"No! Stop!" He shouted, once again looking at his reflection in the mirror, a grin on his lips. "I'm not crazy! I'm gonna make sure I assassinate every last one of them-NO!!"

Jafar shouted at himself as he stared into the mirror, he punched it, causing glass to fly everywhere as he fell to the ground, tears escaping his eyes. He held his hands over his head as his whole body began shaking, bad thoughts running through his mind. He let out a loud scream of pain, his body feeling as if it were on fire.

The sound of heavy footsteps made the chief close his eyes shut, his body still shaking as he felt himself being picked up by muscular arms. Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked up at who picked him up, a small smile grew on his lips as he placed his head on the older males chest.

"Yamuraiha! Hinahoho!" The king shouted as two of his generals stormed in the room, eyes wide.

"W-what happened?" Hinahoho asked, shocked at the scene before them.

"Hurry! Bring him to my room, Sinbad," Yamuraiha ordered, rushing out the door with the two older males close behind her.

Quickly, Sinbad placed the younger male on the bed as Yamuraiha examined him, mumbling a spell under her breath as her eyes glowed, Jafar closed his eyes shut tight as Yamuraiha placed a hand on his arm. Sinbad and Hinahoho stood there confusedly as Yamuraiha quickly tended to Jafar's bloody hand, luckily he hadn't gotten any glass in it.

"Yamuraiha? What's wrong with him...?" Sinbad asked, breaking the silence as Yamuraiha signalled the king and other general outside.

Sinbad and his two generals walked outside as Yamuraiha closed the door behind them, her blue eyes meeting Sinbad's. "There's nothing wrong with him...he's completely healthy..."

"But that doesn't explain why he was screaming and shaking as if though he'd been scarred by something," Sinbad added, a hand on the back of his head.

A loud crash alerted the three as they opened the door quickly, Yamuraiha's eyes growing wide, Sinbad darted into the room, his eyes rushing around.

"Jafar! Where are you?!" Sinbad shouted, walking over to the window to see a bloody hand print on the windowsill.

Yamuraiha examined the bed as she covered her mouth. "Sinbad, we have to find him right now...somethings not right."

"Hinahoho! Go alert the other generals, I'm going to alert the guards to form search parties to find him!" Sinbad shouted as he and Hinahoho rushed out of the room.

"His ruth was...black...why..." Yamuriha mumbled, looking down at the floor, her eyes wide with fear.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now