In Your Arms

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"H-hey...welcome back you guys," Aladdin panted as he leaned against Masrur who helped the young magi stay on his feet. Jafar and Hakuei blinked several times as they looked at the exhausted magi.

Hakuyuruu, Kouha and Kougyoku all ran over to Hakuei, all four embracing each other tightly as Hakuei giggled.

Sinbad padded towards the chief who sat on the ground, his eyes fixed on Hakuei and her siblings as a smile grew on his lips. "Jafar," the king called as Jafar quickly looked at him, wanting to back away. "S-Sin..."

"It's good to have you back," he smiled as he turned to Hakuei who had just stood up. He padded over to the younger female and embraced her in a tight hug as she screwed her face up and gently pushed the king away, causing everyone to look at her confusedly.

"U-um..." Sinbad chuckled awkwardly as Hakuei smiled.

"I'm sorry King Sinbad, but I can't marry you, Even if I wanted to...somebody else's heart belongs to you," she murmured, looking at the white hair male who smiled back at her. Sinbad's mouth almost hit the floor as he stared at her, unsure of what to say back to the princess.

"And so does mine," she begun, looking Kouen in the eyes. "Kouen...all this time I've been in love with you, when father forced me into this marriage I was against it but...he forced me to."

Both Kouen and Sinbad stood there, mouth wide open as the others did the same, all but Yamuraiha who jumped up and down cheering and clapping. "About time the truth came out!"

Sinbad looked to Jafar as he raised an eyebrow. "Is what Princess Hakuei saying...true?"

Jafar took a deep breath in, his heart beating in his chest furiously. "Y-yeah..."

Sinbad walked over to the younger male and picked him up, the two locking eyes as Jafar blushed furiously. "All this time I knew...I was stupid not to notice," he sighed.

"You're telling me," Jafar scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Jafar, with everything that's happened and is going to happen...I can't see anybody else being by my side. Jafar, will you-"

Jafar leant up quickly, catching the kings lips as the two shared a kiss that felt as though it would last forever.

Everybody cheered, Yamuraiha screamed so loud that all of Sindria could hear her, she fainted into Sharrkan's arms who looked at her concernedly.

Pulling away, Jafar nodded and placed his head against Sinbad's broad chest as he nodded. "Yes, Sinbad I'll be yours," he giggled as the older male smiled back.

Kouen held Hakuei's hand as the two looked down smiling, Hakuei had never been so happy in her life. "Hakuei? Will you marry me?" Kouen asked almost instantly, looking the younger female in the eyes who stared back shocked but nodded in an instant as tears streamed down her cheeks, the two shared a tender hug.

Judar walked over to the group with his younger brother in his arms, his eyes meeting the two newly engaged couples, a small smile on his lips.

"I...I..." He stammered as he bit his lip.

"It's fine, Judar...Hakuei and I figured out that your whole cruel personality was an act," Jafar said gently as Hakuei nodded.

"We all forgive you, if I were you I would of done anything to keep my family safe," Sinbad added. "Now, Masrur see that Akane gets medical help."

Masrur nodded as he and Judar walked up the stairs of the castle, leaving the happy crowd behind.

"Well, I'm glad it was a happy ending," Kougyoku sighed, knowing that she'd never get Sinbad.

"Cheer up sis, I'm sure you'll find day." Kouha chuckled.

Sinbad put Jafar down as he walked over to Kouen and Hakuei who both looked at him with the same look in their eyes. "About this engagement," he sighed as Kouha walked in between the two. "It's off, that assassin master guy killed our father, believe or not," he murmured, looking at the kings corpse.

"Which makes Kouen...the new king!" Koko cheered, rushing over to the three.

Kouen nodded and looked Sinbad in the eyes as he wrapped an arm around his bride to be. "I hereby cancel the engagement of King Sinbad of Sindria and Princess Hakuei of the Kou Empire," Kouen announced, extending his hand to seal the deal with Sinbad. Nodding, Sinbad took the younger males hand and shook it.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now