A Visit From A Certain Magi

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"What're you doing here Judar?"

Judar sat on the desk in Jafar's office, a grin on his lips as he stared at the silver haired male before him. He slowly got up and walked over to him, grabbing his arm in his grasp as he looked at the ex-gladiator dead in the eyes.

"You don't mind right? I'd like to talk to Mr Jafar alone," he told Masrur, still grinning.

Masrur took one look at Jafar who gave him the same look, the two knew if anything were to happen that Jafar would be able to protect himself from the magi. Giving a nod, Judar still held onto Jafar's arm as he lead him over to his desk, Masrur had left the room but stood outside of it just in case, for Jafar's sake.

Snatching his arm from the magi, Jafar huffed as he crossed his arms, waiting for the magi to explain what he wished to say, the two simply stared at each other for a few minutes before Judar broke the silence.

"So, I heard about the engagement of Hakuei and Sinbad, you know I'm very surprised that he accepted it, with him being a ladies man and everything, I didn't think he had it in him," the magi chuckled.

"Just get to the point Judar, you're wasting my time here with this nonsense. If that's all you wish to say then I'd suggest you'd leave," Jafar huffed, placing several documents into a draw of the desk.

"Oh, I'm getting there trust me...tell me Jafar, how do you feel about this whole engagement between Sinbad and Hakeui?" Judar questioned, hoping to get a reaction out of the older male.

Jafar froze in place as the frown on his face become bigger, he hated hearing those words, 'engagement between Sinbad and Hakuei', but why? He took a breath before looking the magi in the eyes, his red eyes looking into Jafar's green eyes.

"I'm glad that the Kou Empire and Sindria are going to united," he told the grinning magi.

"So...you're telling me that you're alright with Sinbad getting married?" The magi smirked.

That did it. Jafar punched the surface of the desk which gave Judar a small scare, the smirk on his face becoming bigger. The magi took a few steps toward the angered chief, Jafar unleashed his weapon. The blade struck Judar in the cheek, causing his cheek to bleed a bit.

Judar placed a hand on his cheek as he let out a laugh. "So that's how you wanna play it, huh? Fine by me," he chuckled, blasting ice at the ex-assassin who managed to dodge the shot just in time.

"Tell me Jafar, why don't you answer my question? I just wanna know if you're alright with Sinbad marrying Hakuei, unless..."

Before Judar could finish his sentence, he was cut off by a fist to the face, causing the magi to fall back. Jafar stood tall behind Masrur who stood in front of him, Masrur had entered the room when Jafar managed to cut Judar's cheek with one of his blades.

"This fights over Judar, leave," the pink haired male ordered, his lifeless eyes staring directly at the injured magi who slowly stood back up on his feet.

"Well Jafar, if you ever want to cause some trouble you know where to find me," Judar laughed, jumping out the window and flying off.

"Thanks for having my back there, Masrur," Jafar sighed, looking at the tall male before him.

"Jafar, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can."

"Jafar...how do you really feel about Sinbad?"

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