The Start Of War

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Hakuei stood facing the mirror, her whole body stiff from guilt and nervousness. She couldn't believe she was doing this, getting married to Sinbad. Sinbad had a soft spot in her heart hurt but deep down, she knew that the feelings she had for him weren't true.

"Hakuei? Are you ready?" Yamuraiha asked, knocking on the door and slowly opening to see Hakuei.

The princess nodded as she walked towards the magician. "Yeah...I'm ready but...don't you think this kimono is too much?"

"What?! Too much? No way! You look absolutely beautiful! Don't ever think it's too much," Yamuraiha gasped, admiring the beautiful colourful kimono.

Hakuei nodded once more as Hakuryuuentered the room, a smile grew on his lips as he looked at his older sister. Both siblings locked eyes, Hakuyuruu walked towards her and linked arms with her.

"If only father were here to see how beautiful his daughter looks. He'd be so proud of you," Hakuryuu smiled as he and Hakuei exited the room.

Sinbad stood tall as he glanced at Hinahoho who stood beside. Tears had escaped Hinahoho's eyes as he looked forward, completely ignoring Sinbad's gaze, Drakon simply shook his head as Yamuraiha quickly rushed in and sat down beside Sharrkan who glared at her.

The wedding had started, Hakuryuu looked over to his sister, his eyes filled with a unsure look, he knew something wasn't right.

"Guys, thats your cue," Spartos coughed.

Hakuryuu stood tall as he walked Hakuei down the aisle, she had a fake smile on her lips which made her younger brother even more concered. Sinbad's eyes grew wide as he stared at the black haired female walk down the aisle, she looked so beautiful. Kouen's eyes were fixed on Hakuei, a small smile grew on his face as the two locked eyes before Kouen looked away.

Finally Sinbad and Hakuei were side by side, they looked at each other, both smiling as the priest started the ceremony. Yamuraiha sat up straighter as she watched Sinbad, it was finally time for to the king to be married, to be tied down to one female forever, but would it last?

"Damn Hakuei," Kouha chuckled, only to be elbowed by Hakuryuu who shushed him.

Just as the two were about to exchange rings, a long crash made everybody looked towards the door as Morgiana and Alibaba rushed in, ready for a fight.

"King Sinbad...they're here, it's time," Morgiana announced as everybody nodded.

The generals rushed out the door while Sinbad rushed after them, his eyes growing wide at the massacre before him, so many dead bodies and more to come. This fight had only begun, there was no way that he'd let them over throw his country.

His eyes raced through the crowd of assassins and guards as his eyes landed on one certain silvertte, they grew wide as the assassin locked eyes with him, his green eyes darker than usual.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now