A Dark Spell?

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Sitting up quickly, Hinahoho's eyes rushed around the room. "Jafar!" He shouted, letting out a painful groan.

"Hina! Take it easy," Sharrkan spoke in a worried tone as he crossed his arms.

"How'd I get here?" He questioned, looking at the king and generals before him.

"Turns out there was another attack, when Sharrkan and I arrived we found you on the ground bleeding and a few guards injured and the others...dead," Spartos sighed.

"Hinahoho...why'd you say Jafar's voice when you woke up?" Sinbad asked curiously.

"Sinbad...something bad happened...it's Jafar...he's joined the assassin's group...he was the one who struck me down. He spoke of a war, saying that...they'll slaughter us all..." he announced, looking down as Sinbad and the generals stood in silence.

"Did he say when this 'war' would be happening?" Drakon asked, breaking the silence.

Hinahoho shook his head. "My guess is as good of yours..."

A few hours had passed, Yamuraiha, Sharrkan, Pitsi and Spartos were in the library of the castle. Yamuraiha and Spartos searched for a specific book while Pitsi and Sharrkan mucked around, the both of them laughing at stupid jokes.

"Do you think Drakon could grow a moustache?" Pitsi giggled, looking at Sharrkan.

"Drakon growing a moustache...? What about Sinbad? I'm sure a moustache would add to his royalty," Sharrkan laughed.

Pitsi was laughing so hard that she ended up falling backwards on the ground with a loud thud. Spartos turned around quickly and rushed over to the smaller female, helping her up as Yamuraiha let out an annoyed sigh.

"This is useless! We've literally stripped this library of it's dark spell books! Agh! I give up!" Yamuraiha shouted, slamming her foot on the ground as she frowned.

"I told you a few hours ago that it was a stupid idea," Sharrkan yawned.

Yamuraiha narrowed her eyes at Sharrkan, she caught a glimpse of a book underneath the generals backside.

"Sharrkan...how long have you been sitting on that book?" She asked, her tone darkening as she looked down.

"Huh? What this thing?" Sharrkan asked, standing up and holding the book up.

"That's the book we've spent the last few hours...and all this time you've been sitting on it...ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!" She shouted, aiming a water spell at the grinning swords man who soon fell flat on his feet.

Pitsi caught the book that flew out of Sharrkan's arms, both Yamuraiha and Spartos rushing beside her as she flicked to a certain page. Yamuraiha 's eyes carefully reading the spell and what it's purpose was. A small gasp escaped the magicians lips as she covered her mouth, this spell was no ordinary spell.

"What is it?" Pitsi asked curiously.

"This spell...it's a mind control spell, the caster has full control over the person who falls victim to having this spell casted on them, it uses a lot of black ruth," she told the two generals who listened.

"Wouldn't a spell like this have a way to reverse it? Or to break it?" Spartos questioned, as Yamuraiha turned the page.

Their eyes grew wide as they stared at a page that had been torn out. Yamuraiha's eyes locked with Spartos's, both giving each other the same shocked look.

"There's no way to cure it or...even break it?" Sharrkan gasped softly, looking at his friends.

Yamuraiha bit her lip. "I'm...not sure..."

"We've got to inform Sinbad about this immediately," Spartos shouted, the other three generals nodded as all four of them ran out of the library, heading to the throne room, in search of Sinbad.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now