Together Until Death

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A few weeks had passed since the war happened, Hakuei laughed at her younger brother who shook his head. "This is the second time that you're having to do this, let's hope no one interrupts it this time," he groaned, hoping this would be the last time he'd have to walk his sister down the aisle.

"I'm sure it will be Hakuyuruu, calm down," Jafar teased, looking at the two.

"You guys ready?" Spartos asked, entering with Hinahoho who had tears streaming down his cheeks. All four looked at the taller male and blinked a few times.

"Uhh...Hinahoho? You okay?" Hakuyuruu asked as the older male wiped his eyes.

"Y-yeah, just had something in my eye," he sobbed, wiping his eyes.

All four laughed as Hinahoho linked arms with Jafar, while Hakuei and Hakuyuruu stood in front of the two, also linking arms. Spartos hurried up and rushed out of the dressing room, to the main room, were everybody gathered. Sinbad stood with his arms crossed, staring at the door, Kouen looked in the same direction as Kouha stood behind his older brother, struggling to see because of his height.

Spartos opened the door for the four as Hakuyuruu and Hakuei walked forward first, followed by Jafar and Hinahoho who tried his best to keep his happiness hidden. Jafar giggled softly at the older male as his eyes landed on Sinbad, his cheeks growing red as he looked away quickly, looking to the ground.

Hinahoho let go off Jafar's arm and joined Drakon as Hakuei and Jafar stood beside their soon to be partners. Hakuei wore a kimono similar to the one she had worn the first time but it was slightly different in colour, Jafar wore a white suit while Sinbad wore a plain black suit, Kouen also wore a kimono, similar to Hakuei's.

The priest began talking as all four listened to what he had to say, Jafar looked down as his feet, his whole body shaking, he couldn't believe it, after all these years he was finally getting married to the one he loved with all his heart. Sinbad held the younger males hand in his, helping him to calm down as Jafar smiled, looking at Sinbad in the corner of his eyes as his full attention went onto the priest.

The two couples exchanged rings as the priest put his hands together. "By the power within me, I now pronounce you husband and husband, husband and wife, you may kiss your groom and bride," the priest breathed out.

Kouen and Hakuei looked at each other, both smiling as the two locked lips and shared a tender kiss, Jafar stared at the ground, his whole face a dark shade of red as Sinbad tilted the younger males chin up and pressed his lips against his as everyone cheered, Yamuraiha once again fainting into Sharrkan's arms who frowned. "Okay this is getting old," he grumbled with a frown.

That night, a huge party was thrown, all of Sindria attended cheering and shouting for the newly wedded couples. They all sat at a table as Hinahoho cried his eyes out, Spartos shook his head as Pitsi hugged one of his arms, a smile on her lips. Jafar stood beside Sparots as he put a hand on the younger males shoulder. "I forgot to tell you...while Hakuei and I were in the black ruth, some people helped us believe in the white ruth. Mystras was one of those people, he told me to tell you that he loves you and misses you dearly," Jafar told the younger male who wiped tears away from the corner of his eyes, a big smile on his lips. "Thank you for telling me that Jafar," Spartos murmured happily as Jafar nodded.

Jafar laid his head on the table as the world around him spun. "R-remind me never to...drink again," he hiccupped as Hakuei laughed. "Safe to say no more alcohol for you." Sinbad padded over to the princess and his drunk husband as he locked eyes with Hakuei. "Kouen and Kouha are looking for you, something about Kougyoku getting drunk and threatening all the females to stay away from Akane or she'll kill them..." he chuckled as Hakuei sighed and shook her head, hurrying off over to the people that surrounded Koko.

"You sir, no more alcohol for you," he scowled, taking a cup of alcohol away from the younger male who whined. "But Siiiiiin~ I'm not even that drunk," he groaned, his head not leaving the table as four familiar faces emerged before them. "Ah, Alibaba, Morgiana, Aladdin and Hakuyuruu, how're the four of you?" The king asked, looking at the four with a smile.

"We're doing good Sinbad, thank you," Alibaba smiled as he looked at Morgiana, a smile permanently on his lips, the past few weeks Morgiana realized that her feelings for Alibaba had grown stronger, the two hit it off and started dating.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now