Damage Done

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Sinbad, Hakuei, Kouen, Hakuryuu, Alibaba, Kougyoku and Kouha had all transformed into their gin equip as they joined in on the battle.

Both magi's were face to face, an angry look on Aladdin's face as Judar smirked, holding his staff in one hand. "Come at me kid," he teased as Aladdin ran at him, casting a fire spell and sending it towards him. The older magi hovered in the air, avoiding the attack completely as Aladdin joined him, both magi's continuing their battle in the sky.

Kouha and Kouen fought back to back, both princes managing to fight the crowd of assassins who swarmed them. Looking up, Kouha's eyes grew wide. "Kouen! Watch out!" He shouted as an assassin jumped up, aiming straight at the older prince, only to be hit down with water. "That'll teach you, don't try and kill my brothers you brat," Kougyoku hissed, an unfriendly look in her eyes as she joined her brothers, staying in the sky as they handled the assassins on the ground.

Alibaba stood back to back with Hakuryuu who helped him. In the past, Alibaba didn't really like Hakuryuu, but as time went on and he got to experience more adventures with the older male, the two grew closer. "There's too many!" Hakuryuu panted. "Don't give up! Keep going, we've got this!" Alibaba told Hakuryuu who nodded and continued fighting alongside his close friend.

Morgiana raced through the crowd of assassins, before being surrounded, the fanalis stood in place as they closed in, she took a deep breath in and screamed, causing several assassin's to be injured, her eyes landed on Hakuei who had just struck down a young black haired assassin.

"Akane!" Jafar shouted, his eyes growing wide as the black haired male's body become still. Jafar looked over to Hakuei who gave him the same cold look. "You did this...YOU KILLED HIM!" The older male shouted, rushing towards Hakuei who quickly hovered in the air, Jafar used all of his might to jump as high as he could, almost striking the princess, only to be hit back by someone.

Hakuei and Morgiana landed on their feet while Jafar fell to the ground, he struggled to get up but used all of his might, till he was standing flat on his feet once again. "Princess Hakuei, please leave him to me," Morgiana told the princess who nodded.

Morgiana dashed towards Jafar who had unleashed his weapon on her, she jumped up in time as she landed behind the older male who she charged at, punching him right in the face. Jafar put a hand on his cheek, not falling to his feet as he death stared Morgiana. "Get out of my way," the assassin spat, striking his weapon at Morgiana who almost avoided it, but the attack was too fast. She let out a scream as she fell to the ground, a hand on her bloodied up stomach.

"Morgiana!" Alibaba shouted, as his eyes landed on the unconscious pink haired female. "Damn you Jafar!"

Jafar darted towards the Hakuei as the two leapt in the air once again. Hakuei was about to launch an attack on the assassin when she felt as sharp pain, she peered down to see Jafar's weapon through her chest.

"This is for all the bloodshed that you and your assassins have caused," Sinbad spat as he launched his final attack at the assassin master.

Yamuraiha spun around quickly, her back against Sharrkan's as her eye grew wide. "Sinbad! No! Don't do it! You'll end up killing Jafar and-" before Yamuraiha could finish her sentence it was too late.

Sinbad had had struck the assassin master with his final blow, killing him in an instant. Jafar froze as he held onto his weapon, both him and Hakuei let out a loud, painful scream as the pair of them fell to the ground. 

"HAKUEI!" Hakuryuu shouted as he raced over to his older sister's body, pushing his way through the fleeing assassins. Everyone spun around and ran towards the two bodies, Hakuei's cradled in a sobbing Hakuryuu's arms, while Yamuraiha held Jafar's.

Sinbad dropped his sword and fell to his knees. "W-why did this happen..." he stammered as Yamuraiha's eyes met his.

"I-I warned you not to kill the master...I found out that if you kill the caster of the spell...the person who is under it and anybody who they attack or touch will perish along with them," Yamuraiha explained through tears.

Sinbad couldn't believe what he was hearing...it was because of him that Hakuei and Jafar were both gone. Hakuryuu and Yamuraiha placed the bodies down side by side, walking over to join the others who stood in silence. Alibaba held Morgiana in his arms as he stared down at her sadly, Aladdin took a few steps forward as he mumbled something under his breath, Yamuraiha stared at the magi as white ruth emerged around the two bodies.

Judar stared at the group as he cradled Akane in his arms, he knew the feeling of what it was like to lose someone that meant the world to you. He had already lost his parents, and now he was losing his younger brother. He rested his forehead on the younger male's chest, a few tears escaping his eyes.

"Forgive me Akane, for not being able to take care of you. If only I hadn't made you join these freaks...if only I hadn't helped plan this war...you'd still be alive," the older magi choked on tears as he gripped the unconscious male tighter.

"There's still a way to save them! Don't give up hope yet!" Aladdin shouted, looking back at the others who stared at him, a bit of hope glittering in their eyes.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now