Emotional Reunion

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A teenaged boy padded towards him as Jafar ran to him and held him tightly in his grasp, tears streaming down his cheek. "Mystras, I missed you so much, you died too soon," he sobbed.

Mystras smiled as he tightened the hug slightly, not wanting to let go of the older male. "I've missed you and Sinbad so much...while it hurts to be away from the two of you, I'm glad to see that you're both happy," he sniffled gently as he smiled.

Jafar looked up to see two awfully familiar faces which caused him to let go of Mystras and backup as heavier tears fell from his eyes. "N-no...mum...dad...I-I," he gasped as the painful memory of when he had murdered his parent. His hands began shaking as Rurumur placed a hand on his shoulder, causing the horrible memory to disappear.

He looked up at the blue haired female once again to see her nod. Jafar gulped as he shakily walked towards parents, he only got a few steps before freezing in place as his mother walked towards him, tears streaming down her cheeks as she embraced him.

"My beautiful baby, you've grown up into such a handsome man," she murmured through tears as his father appeared from behind her and embraced the two in his arms. "Jafar, for what happened...stop blaming yourself, you were forced to," his father whispered gently as the two backed up.

Jafar was lost for words, he didn't know what to say, he wanted to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. The two smiled before disappearing back into the light. "W-wait...mum, dad...come back, please," he pleaded, falling to his knees as he held his hand out for them.

Hakuei emerged from the light as she helped Jafar up, a smile on her face. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to hurt you Jafar."

"Hakuei...you've done nothing wrong, it was all me...I killed you because of that stupid spell," he sniffled, looking the younger female in the eyes.

"We were both put under spells...Judar put one on me the night before everything happened...which is when I killed Akane..." she explained with a sigh. "I think he regrets it...he made me hurt the only family he has left."

"I-I had no idea. Judar was made to, he fought with my old master for hours, he begged him and everything to not cast the spell on you. All this time, Judar was pretending to...not care, I get it now," he mumbled, looking down.

Rurumur and Mystras walked towards the light which made Jafar look up quickly. "Mystras! Rurumur! Please...I don't want to be away from you guys again!" He called as the two turned around and smiled at him.

"You'll be okay Jafar, just believe in the white ruth," Rurumur said gently as she disappeared into the light.

Mystras looked at him, his expression saddening. "Jafar...when you go back can you tell Spartos that I love him and...miss him dearly?" He swallowed as Jafar nodded. "Thank you," he whispered gently, disappearing into the light with Rurumur.

Hakuei and Jafar turned to each other as the smiled, embracing each other as everything around them became brighter, the two closed their eyes as they returned to their bodies.

Sitting up quickly, Jafar turned and looked at Hakuei who sat up at the same time, the two smiling at each other as they looked at all the crying faces before them.

"We're back," the two murmured, smiles on their lips.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now