Beat Down!

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Sinbad, Hakuei, the seven generals and the Kou Empire king sat at a huge table, each talking as Yamuraiha wrote in a document. Her eyes not leaving the paper before her.

"So, Sinbad. What's going to be happening with the wedding?" Drakon asked, as the Kou Empire king narrowed his eyes at the dragon.

"It's still going to happen, so one of the eight generals decided to disappear, if he wants to attend then he'll attend. There's no way we're stopping this wedding because of one person," the older king spat.

"That's not can't possibly get married without Jafar being here," Sharrkan frowned, looking at Sinbad who stared down at the table blankly.

"Father, we can' wouldn't be right, especially since Jafar is-"

"The wedding will still continue, whether Jafar decides to come to it or not," Sinbad added in agreement, supporting the Kou Empire as he gripped the arm rest of the chair.

Yamuraiha froze in place, dropping the quill out of her hand, she stood up and slammed her hands on the table.

"I can't believe you would ever say that Sinbad, Jafar is your best friend, the two of you have been incredibly close ever since you were both younger! You aren't even doing anything to find him, if you truly cared about him like you make out you do then you would be postponing this wedding and getting up off your ass to find him. Instead you have guards looking for him...if Jafar wanted to be found by anyone he'd want to be found by you," Yamuraiha shouted, which left everybody speechless, Sharrkan was impressed, he had never seen her like this before.

"That's enough out of you stupid girl! The wedding is still happening, no matter what," The Kou Empire king spat, eyeing the magician who sat back in her chair, staring down at the ground.

Later that night, everyone was busy either prepping for the wedding, on guard or sleeping. Tonight, Hinahoho volunteered to be go guard with the other guards. It had been awfully quiet that night, Hinahoho let out a small sigh as he stood beside the leader of the guard, he was bored back kept his guard up.

Smoke filled the air which startled everyone, screams and yells filled the air.

"Stay together! Keep your guard up, for all we know we could be surrounded," Hinahoho shouted, holding his weapon in front of him, eyes searching through the partly cleared fog.

A group of assassin were killing guards like it was nothing, even guards that were putting up a good fight fell victim to the enemy. A black haired male ran towards Hinahoho, his weapon flying towards the older males head, who luckily dodged just in time. The young assassin continued running towards Hinahoho, only to be hit by the stronger males weapon, knocking him out.

"Akane! Hinahoho," a familiar voiced yelled, slowly walking towards the shocked general.

"J-Jafar...?" He stammered, eyes wide.

"You hurt my dare you..." he muttered under his breath, quickly rushing towards the older male.

Unlike Akane, Jafar was a lot more quick and skilful, which made it impossible for Hinahoho to see which way he was coming from. All the general could do was hold his weapon close to his chest, looking around for the assassin. A sharp stinging sensation stung the older male who groaned in pain, he looked at his arm, a deep wound stared him in the eyes.

"This is for hurting Akane!" Jafar shouted, catching the general off guard as he sprinted forward, unleashed his weapon and stabbed Hinahoho in the chest.

Hinahoho's eyes grew wide with pain, he fell to his knees as he threw up blood. Jafar took a few steps forward before stopping, his lifeless eyes meeting Hinahoho's.

"Sindria's going to fall, we're going to slaughter you all. Tell your precious king that a war is happening sooner then you think," Jafar warned, turning his back and walking towards the knocked out assassin as he picked him up in his arms, before retreating with the other assassins.

Hinahoho fell down on as he watched Jafar disappear, he held his hand out, his vision becoming black. 

"J-Jafar..." he mumbled weakly before blacking out completely.

Between The Raindrops (Magi Fanfiction) Jafar x SinbadWhere stories live. Discover now