Old Enemies

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Jafar walked with Akane, a guilty feeling sat in his gut as he breathed in, looking to the younger male in front of him.

"How much longer to the camp?" Jafar asked, his weapon at the ready.

"We're almost there, I never knew you whined so much," he scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Jafar ignored the younger males tone, taking in a scent he hadn't sensed in a long time. A sense that made him tremble with fear whenever he came close to it.

"We're here," Akane informed the silver haired male as he looked over at him.

The sight of the camp made Jafar feel weak, memories of when he was a assassin filled his head. Akane grabbed his hand tightly in his as he headed towards the middle of the camp, a giant tent was in the exact middle of it, the material looked old and faded, a few holes here and there. The younger male held Jafar's hand even tighter as the two headed into the tent.

"Ah, Jafar...long time no see," an older voice grumbled as Jafar froze in place, eyes wide as an owls. He held Akane's hand tightly as the younger male peered down at their hands.

"Akane, let him go," the older assassin ordered, stepping up from the chair he sat on.

Akane did as he was told and slowly let go of Jafar's hand, walking away to join some other assassin's that blended in with the darkness around them. The silver haired male looked at the older male in fear, he wanted to run, he wanted to scream but he couldn't, he stood rooted in place.

"Nothing to say to your old master?" He asked, leaning forward so he was right in Jafar's face.

"M-Master..." Jafar trembled, standing tall as his greens eyes met his masters grey, lifeless eyes.

"No need to be afraid boy, we don't plan to punish you...not yet anyway," he snickered, making his way back to his chair as Judar appeared behind Jafar, his hands on the older males shoulders.

"Hurry and move forward, wouldn't wanna play a punishment game now would you~" Judar teased, his cold breath against the ex-assassins ear.

Quickly, Jafar paced forward before stopping a few steps away from his ex-master. His eyes meeting his once again.

"Now, young Jafar, the reason why we've brought you here is because I want you to assassinate someone,' the older male told the chief who stood in front of him.

"W-what? No! I no longer work for you, I quit being a assassin long ago," he shouted, standing tall. "I'd rather be assassinated here right now then assassinate someone for scum like you."

Mutters from the shadows filled Jafar's ears as he stood his ground, Akane watched his old friend with wide eyes, fearing for what would happen to him.

"Of course, stubborn as always," the assassin master sighed, getting comfortable. "You will do as I say Jafar, I was the one who particularly raised you."

"Right he is. You're to assassinate Princess Hakuei of the Kou Empire," Judar added, standing beside the master assassin.

"What? Sinbad's fiancé? You're insane! Judar she's the princess of your kingdom!-" Jafar shouted, before blacking out.

"That's all I wanna hear out of that brat," the master spat, as Akane picked up the silver haired male up.

"Why'd he pass out?" The younger assassin asked, looking up at his master.

"You're about to find out young one," Judar chuckled, staring at Jafar's unconius body in the black haired males arms.

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