The Devil On My Neck

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It's been a month since the party and I've been so busy with work, balancing my job at Paradise with my other part time jobs. It's not easy at all but a girl's got to eat after all.

Today, my job at Mona's Café ends at 3pm. I was cleaning the tables when my phone rang. I pick up my phone immediately, supporting the device with my shoulder before going back to cleaning tables.

"Hi, I'm currently at work. Call me back later?"

"Ria?" The voice from the phone asks.

The voice sounds really familiar but I'm way too tired to start processing who it could be.

"Yes, that's me."

"It's Jamie. I'm in town this week and I was wondering if you were free to hang out."

Jamie freaking Parker. Holy shit! How the hell did she get my number? Oh, yeah we did exchange numbers at the party.

"Oh my God, it's you." My lips curve into a big smile.

I stop cleaning, sitting in one of the free booths.

"Yes, Ria. I'm in town this week, will you love to hang out with me?"

"I would love to but thing is-"

"Are you busy? We can do that next time when you are free."

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Ria. You can't miss it.

"You know what? I'm currently at work but I'll be done by 3."

"Great, I'll pick you up. Send me the address?"

Jamie Parker's mode of hanging out may be a bit different than I thought because here I am, standing in her condo. Her place is so beautiful. It is well-furnished with its walls painted in white. Her pictures hanging pretty on the wall are all in white and black. She looks so beautiful and everything about the setting of her place seems perfect.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you again." She smiles, gesturing for me to sit.

I sit down beside her on the comfy couch and mutter a thank you. I'm more than happy to see her again.

You know the real definition of being beautiful in and out? Well, that's Jamie. Such a beautiful soul with a heart of gold. She's really warm and extremely humble. I wish every other celebrity was just like her. That way, maybe the world would have been a better place. But you know, the world we live in, those big fishes prefer having nothing to do with people without the wealth, fame, connections... like them. Jamie Parker is just different.

"Me too. I'm glad you called."

And I mean it. Jamie Parker has always been my girl crush. It's always been my wish to meet in her in person. Who knew it was really going to happen?

"Trust me, I would have called earlier but I've been oh, so busy. Two weeks ago, I was in Korea shooting for Vogue magazine." She continues. "I'm Vogue Korea's October cover girl. I got back to LA on Monday and knew I had to see you."

Wow. Vogue as in Vogue magazine? Damn girl!

"You mean you are Vogue's cover girl? That's a big deal Jamie, congratulations." I tell her sincerely.

She deserves it. I mean with that kind of face, body and heart, people would really love to work with her.

"Thank you, Ria." She places my hand in hers. "In this line of work, it's really hard to find someone to call a friend. Most of these models see me only as competition. The last time I had a real friend was back in college, I'm really glad Shawn introduced us."

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