The Deal

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I was scared. Really scared I must say.

Where are they taking me?

Who are these people?

Are they going to kill me?

Am I going to get killed with my body thrown in the sea and never be found?

Am I going to end up as dinner for sharks?

Oh God!

My train of thoughts came to an end immediately the car came to a halt.

"We are here." one of the huge men finally said.

Throughout the whole ride none of them spoke to me. The whole thing was so confusing. Like why the hell am I brought to the huge mansion in front of me?

I was pulled out of the car and was asked to follow one of them. I did so without complaining.

I mean if I'm going to get killed, I should at least put up a fight but that will be later. Not until I find out who the hell they are bringing me to anyway.

I did as I was instructed and followed the huge man into the mansion.

The mansion was huge like really huge but I wasn't bothered about that.

Perhaps it belongs to some drug lord?

Or maybe a loan shark?

Out of all the numerous population of earth why does it have to be me?

This better not be some scene from the movie where the poor main character is kidnapped and the bad guys demand for ransom.

I don't have six figures in my account. If I did I wouldn't be here in the first place for goodness sake. I need to clear the air. These people probably mistook me for someone else. I'll be very happy if they realised that instead of wasting all of our time.

Or am I mistaken for Jamie? I mean that's the only explanation. Jamie is a highly paid model. Since we are friends they probably thought I was her or..

No! Kayla is my best friend and she's dating the heir of Royal hotel. Perhaps they wanted to kidnap her and demand ransom from Shawn, her boyfriend.

Okay this doesn't make sense. Why will I be mistaken for my friends? I'm just an ordinary girl working in a coffee shop and trying to make it in life. I'm not..

"Your answers await you in that room miss." the huge man in suit said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Was it really obvious that I was deep in thoughts?

Okay this is it. I either go in and come back out alive or in the worst case scenario, I go in and never come out.

But whatever the outcome may be, I'm not giving up without a fight.

"This it Ria." I muttered to myself before turning the door knob.

I walked into the room and realised I was in an office.

A man was sitting behind the huge desk with his back turned to me. Immediately he felt my presence he turned to look at me.

He was an old man. Probably in his 70s. He smiled at me but the smile wasn't reaching his eyes.

His eyes.. A familiar pair of grey eyes.

Oh my God! He isn't? Or is he?

"Miss Lee. It's nice to finally meet you." he said, standing to his full height.

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