We Are Getting Married

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"Do you like it?" I asked, watching him eat.

"Mmmh." Was all he said, cutting a piece and taking a bite of the steak and egg breakfast I made.

"I'm glad you do." I smiled, eating from my plate.

"I must admit, I'm sort of jealous."

He put down the fork and knife in his hand immediately, his eyes focusing on mine.

"Why did you say that?" He asked, his face all serious.

"I mean, you were giving all the attention to your food." I heard him sigh in relief, and I went on cutting a piece from my steak. I couldn't stop laughing.

"You wouldn't even look at me, only your food."

"God, you scared me." He stared at me, my heart hammering against my chest loudly as our eyes met.

Even though we've been together for so long, he still does things to me.

"Come here." He said, his hands moving to the back of my neck.

He drew me close and kissed me. It was a slow yet passionate kiss. I moaned when his tongue slid past my lips. My body shuddered when he bit down my lower lip.

"Pack your bags, we are going somewhere." He said, breaking the kiss.

"Where are we going?" I raised an eyebrow, stunned at his sudden change of plans.

The initial plan was to stay home throughout the day, just the two of us.

"New York." 


After five hours, we arrived in New York.

Dante's penthouse in New York was breathtaking. The view from up there was crazy, you could see the city. The interior was so cool and God, it had a pool.

"You love the place?" He asked, coming up behind me as I watched the city.

His hand wrapped around me and I relaxed into his chest, still staring at the beautiful city with my back in front of his chest.

"I do, thank you my love." I looked at him and he bent down, planting a long kiss on my lips.

We visited museums, had new york bagels, walked across the brooklyn bridge hand in hand- it took about twenty five minutes to cross the bridge.  we rode bikes and God, it was romantic and so fun.

Later in the night, we went to the times square. There was a lot to do there. We ate in a nice restaurant, did some shopping and watched some fun night activities.

"Thank you for bringing me here." I smiled.

Getting on my toes, I drew him close and placed a kiss on his lips. When I pulled away, he groaned in disapproval. Wrapping his arms tightly around my waist, he kissed me passionately, making me melt on my toes. If it weren't for his arms holding me, my legs would have probably given out. 

My hands found its way to his neck. I arched my back and pulled him closer, his lips not leaving mine.

"I love you." He said against my lips, not letting go of me.

"So much."

"And I love you." I replied, ďrawing him into yet another kiss.

"This feels like our honeymoon."

He broke the kiss abruptly, making me pout.

"I'm sorry love." A grin played on his lips and he bent down to plant a quick kiss on my lips.

"Lets get married Ria."

"What?" My eyes went wide.

"Right now?"

"Tomorrow night." He held my face in his hands, his eyes heavily on mine.

"But how? This is all too sudden." I chuckled.

The thought was so exciting, yes. But I was also lost and scared and nervous, all at the same time.

"Are you scared?"

"Yes." I breathed out, my voice seemed quite shaky.

"A little bit."

"If you don't want to, baby it's okay." He said, drawing me into his arms.

He planted a kiss in my hair and I held him tight, not letting go.

The thought of saying I do to Dante Moretti made me so happy. The happiness was stronger than the fear of what could happen or what could go wrong.

That's how much I love this man.

"Let's get married." I said against his chest.

"What? really?" He looked into my eyes, excitement evident on his face.

"Yes." I said loudly.

"Yes?" He shouted.

"Yes." I screamed on top of my lungs.

He lifted me up in a flash and I started feeling dizzy from being spinned around too much. I was laughing the whole time.

This. Is what happiness truly feels like.

"I fucking love you senorita." He screamed on top of his lungs.

"We are getting married."

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