Leaving Doesn't Always Solve Problems

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I parked the car in front of the Kim's residence. I turned to look at her, she was biting her fingers. This was something she did when she was nervous. It was more like an habit.

I smiled, having her back in town seemed so surreal. It felt like a dream.

I don't have her back in my life- not yet, but I will.

"Thank you for bringing me home." She said, her eyes refusing to meet mine.

Home is with me. I'll make sure to bring you home Ria. One step at a time.

"You are welcome." I said.

God, I wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her senseless.

This is all too much for her and I don't want her to feel overwhelmed. The plan is to take things easy but I can only hold back for so long..

My eyes met her lips and it took every bit of strength to hold back from kissing her.

The fact that she left me remained, but so is the fact that she wasn't to be blamed. I blamed Cici, no one but Cici Ferrari. Still, I had to make sure to let Ria realise that leaving doesn't always solve problems.

I still love her, so much. But I have to hold back now even if it kills me.

"Uhm.. thank you." She said again.

She was too cute and my lips twitched up in a short smile.

"You are very welcome." I rolled my eyes.

I watched her as she got down from the car. She still didn't ask me the one question I expected her to.

My upcoming wedding with Lilly Morgan of Spark Industries. 

The car roared back to life and I was prepared to leave, but she stopped me.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

I knew it. She's going to ask now. 3, 2, 1-

"Shawn and Kay are engaged, I feel you should know. You weren't there, everyone hasn't heard from you in a while." She drew out the last part slowly.

Of course, I know. Shawn came to see me when he came back to town. He told me he was going to propose to his girlfriend, I encouraged him of course.

I wasn't there because I wasn't ready to see Ria. I didn't have the strength to face her at that moment. Shawn understood that, it was quite nice of him if I might add.

I didn't cut ties with everyone. I just didn't have the strength to be around them without remembering Ria. I was broken and didn't want to be a burden to them all.

I gave her a nod and smiled genuinely.

"Tell her I said congratulations. I'm happy for her."

She smiled and said goodbye, turning around to leave.

I guess she isn't bothered about the news or maybe she doesn't know yet-

"Are you really getting married?"

Finally, she asked.

My hand on the wheel went still. Looking at her, I saw the eagerness in her eyes and it excited me.

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