For Old Times Sake

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"Ethan? What happened to your face?" I covered my mouth in shock.

His face was full of bruises and it seemed so serious.

"Who did this to you?"

I asked him as I helped him into my apartment and then to the couch.

"You need to go to the hospital."

"It's not that bad Ria."

I saw how he winced when he talked and could tell that his injuries were actually as bad as it appeared.

"Wait here let me get the first aid kit. Do you want something? Coffee maybe?"

"Coffee sounds good." he chuckled before wincing a little.

I shook my head before hurrying to the kitchen.

"I'll just boil the water and get the first aid kit. Stay put okay? We can't have your injuries getting extremely bad."

He simply nodded and I went ahead to get the first aid kit after putting the water on fire.

"Did you get into a fight Ethan?"

I asked as I searched through the cupboards in the kitchen.

"Uhm some drunk guy did this to me."

"You should be more careful. What happens at night is no joke. It could have been worse you know?"

"And by the way how did you find my place?"

I was actually curious about that. The last time we met at the mall I didn't tell him where I stayed. I wondered how he knew.

"Uhm I-"

"Oh the water is ready. Wait I'll bring your coffee."

I grabbed the first aid kit and made two cups of coffee before walking to my living room.

I handed him a cup of coffee and put the other on the table.

"I still think you should go to the hospital."

I told him, sitting beside him on the couch to check his injuries. It must hurt like a son of a bitch.

"Maybe I'll do that in the morning."

"But still let me treat these bruises or else it will leave a scar on your handsome face."

Did you just flirt with him Ria?

"Thank you."

He dropped the coffee on the table and turned to me so I could take a proper look of his face.

I opened the first aid box and took out a few things before applying them on his face.

"Does it hurt?"

I asked as I did the finishing touches.

"Not really."

I smiled before packing up the things back in the box.

"And we are done."

"Thank you very much Ria."

"You are welcome."

We sat there awkwardly and both sipped our coffee. I wondered if I should ask him to leave but that would seem rude I think.

"I better get going now."

He smiled before rising to his feet.

"Thank you very much Ria. I really appreciate this."

"It's fine Ethan."

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