Happy Endings Are Far-fetched

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I heard a knock on my door.

Getting up from my bed, I went to answer the door knowing exactly who it was.

"Come on in." I smiled, holding the door open for her to get in.

"Here is your cell phone. I'll come back to get it later okay?"

"Thank you Ha na." I smiled at my newly found friend/nurse.

"You are welcome Ria. I'll see you later."

I shut the door after she left before settling back on my bed.

Searching through the contact list on my cell phone, I clicked on the number I wanted to call and dialed it.

After the third ring, the voice from the phone spoke to me.

"Timothy and Jane Kim's residence. How may I help you please?" Mrs. Kim said.

After leaving L.A several months ago, I severed all means of connection with the outside world. I needed a head space from all the drama and heartbreak.

It wasn't ideal but it was what I thought I needed at the time.
Now hearing Mrs. Kim's voice again had brought back all the pain.

A sob constricted in my throat, cutting off the words I wanted to say. 

"Hello?" She spoke again, this time with a little bit of concern.

It was quiet for a while. I was starting to think dialing her number was a bad idea and thinking of putting the call to an end. But what she said next broke my heart all over again.

"Ria?" A sob tore from her throat.

"Ria darling, it's you isn't it?"

"Mrs. Kim." My lips quivered and a new sob threatened to break out.

"Oh child! Timothy and I haven't heard from you in months. We were so worried about you."

"All we do know is that you are in Korea and that's it. Are you okay? Everyone is so worried about you Ria."

I swallowed the sob that threatened to escape and wiped off my tears.

"Mrs. Kim, don't be worried because I'm fine. Please tell everyone not to worry okay?"

"I miss each and everyone of you." I began to cry.

"Oh Ria, do not cry. It breaks my heart to see you in pain. When are you coming home? Don't you think it's time you come back home?"

I sucked in a breath before releasing a deep sigh.

"What's wrong Ria? Talk to me."

I got up from my bed and walked to the window, looking at the beautiful night view of the city of Seoul with my phone glued to my ear.

"How is Kay?" I asked silently.

Mrs. Kim took a deep breath before giving me a reply.

"She's okay I guess. But I must tell you the truth, none of us is happy about your sudden disappearance, especially Kayla."

"She must be really mad at me." I thought sadly.

"I think you should come home Ria. Please come home now."

"I don't think I'm ready." I spoke, drawing out slowly.

"When will you be ready? Is it after my demise? After Timothy is dead or after Kayla is a grandma or Dante-"

My eyes went wide immediately she pronounced his name.

My Dante. My sweet Dante.

"How is he?" I cut her words short.

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