Some People Have Real Problems

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I've been avoiding Dante like a plague since we had sex. Each time I see him I keep seeing images of what happened between us. I really got myself into a deep mess this time because I know I can't avoid him forever.  What do I do now?

A knock comes from the door and I flinch. What if it's him? I rush to the balcony looking for an escape route. I groan in frustration knowing I might break my legs or even die if I jumped from the third floor. I don't know what to do! I'm still debating whether to jump and risk shattering my bones like bread crumbs or to hide in the wardrobe and suffocate to death when the door opens.

My eyes widen in shock and I gasp. Not until I hear a familiar female voice did I calm down, turning around to see a confused Kay.

"Am I running mad or are you really planning to jump off?"

I gasp. How on earth did she know?

"Ria, you are scaring the shit out of me right now." She yells, rushing to where I am and immediately drags my leg away from the railing.

Oh, that's how she knew. I was deeply deliberating my choices and totally forgot to get my leg off the railing.

"Stop being a drama queen, it's not what you think." I roll my eyes.

"Really? You did look like you were going to jump off though." She scoffs, hitting my arm and I glare at her.

Why is she hitting me? It's not as if I was really going to jump off the balcony like a crazy woman.

"Don't you dare scare me like that again. Whatever it is you are going through, you can talk to me Ria. Why choose to commit suicide in broad daylight for goodness sake?"

Ah, she thought I was going to commit suicide. I'm about to burst into laughter then I see a teary Kay and I'm at loss for words. Oh, no what have I done?

"Look, you got it all wrong okay? Why on earth will I commit suicide? Even if I wanted to, why in Cannes at a freaking wedding? Just think about it." I chuckle and she hits me again, harder this time.

Okay, maybe not the right choice of words.

"It's not funny, Ria. I know what I saw."

"And I'm telling you it's not what you think." I groan loudly. Why is it so hard for her to believe me?

"Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see me like that for real."

Kay is sobbing like a little kid and I feel so guilty. I just made a twenty five year old woman cry, who is my best friend and I know I have to fix it.

"Don't think you can get rid of me that easily Kayla Garrette." I chuckle, embracing her in a tight hug.

"I know right! You are one stubborn pest. Promise me you won't scare me like that ever again."

"I cross my heart and hope to choke on chocolate bars if I do." I laugh and she hits me again. Ouch!

"Okay, okay I promise."

Day five in Cannes, we are all ready to go hiking and I'm feeling all excited. Since the railing incident, Kay glued herself to me like gum, spending the night in my room and following me around like a lost puppy. She told me it's the only way she can be assured I won't try such again.

Once Shawn and his friends join us in front of the resort, I know seeing Dante is inevitable so I mentally prepare myself. After what happened between us I had sneaked out of his room as early as four in the morning, not missing the way he looked peaceful asleep. He looked so innocent, his dark hair falling over his face and I gently brushed it to the side. That little gesture caught me off guard. Dante make me feel things, things I just can't explain. Honestly, I think it's better that way.

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