Chapter 2

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I could remember nothing after that car collided with us. Except Adam calling my name and it was like my body suddenly shut down.

Opening my eyes to a blurry picture of some hospital, was I hurt and in the hospital or has something happened to Adam? Scared to sit up I grip my hands to a rail beside me realising it's me who's lying in a hospital bed but we're was Ads.

My eyes finally focused and I could see that I was hooked up to a number of machines. My right arm was wrapped up in plaster and I had several cuts across my legs and hips. I also looking at my reflection had cuts on my face and neck some quite deep and a black eye.

A nurse aged around early 30s short blonde hair in a bob styled cut was looking at a monitor I was hooked up to. I was very curious what the hell was going on with me, what i had damaged, broken, hurt whatever had happened and where the hell was my boy??

"E..excuse me sorry I d..don't mean to be disturbing but can you explain what's h...happened or what's w...w...wrong with me please" I stuttered to the nurse with a fake smile as I was sore in a number of places.

The nurse picked up my file from the bottom of the bed and began to read it out loud. "Miss Amelia Rosetta Gray, am I right?" She asked staring at me with gloom eyes.

"Uh, yeah that's me"

"Well you have fractured your right shoulder and have broken the right arm from the elbow down. You have a few deep cuts across your cheek bones that we are looking into. Your hip was almost broke also but something must have reduced the impact on you, your a very lucky girl to be sitting her" she carried on. Adam must have taking most of the impact from the car....

As the nurse walked away she suddenly turned around as if she had forgotten something. "Oops almost forgot to tell you, we're running tests on your baby to see if anything has affected them but by the looks of things he or she looks fine. Again your a lucky girl!"

Wait up baby???? I wasn't pregnant. I'm only 19. What the Fuck.

"Uh BABY?" I asked in complete shock. This was news to me has she definitely got the right person? Is she sure there ain't another Amelia in this place.

"Yes your...pregnant?" She hesitated.

There was an awkward but heart breaking silence. My thoughts were going 100 mph as I came to terms that I was pregnant.

"Miss? Did you not know?" She asked with what looked like a shocked grin across her face. But I was silent, speechless bad need to get my head around everything she had just told me.

"Um, I think your in shock would you like anything like water or anything" the voice came again I do wish that bitch would stop talking couldn't she see I was in my own world right now. I didn't want water all I wanted was Adam and my own space.

"You think!" I screeched sitting up straight in the bed. "All I want is so space and my boyfriend Adam Sanderson. That is all!" I carried on with tears gathering up in my eyes.

I could literally burst into tears at this very moment but I held them in, hiding from the nurses view.

"I'll just see if I can get him dear" the nurse said leaving my side and heading out the room.

Just go and get him? What's happened to him like. My mind flickered back to the accident as I tried to forget what the nurse just told me. Trying my hardest to remember what had happened. A faint memory of Adam pushing me aside came to mind, he took the worst of the accident no wonder he's hurt.

The nurse seemed to be gone for ages and my head was just jumbled. I couldn't get happy thoughts since 1. I was pregnant! 2. My boyfriend was somewhere in this hospital probably in a worse state than I am and I can't help him.

After like ten minutes, it felt like six hours the nurse returned with an empty wheelchair. My mouth dropped were was he, I thought due was getting him. She helped me out of the bed and unattached me from machines. Guiding me to the wee

Chair and urging me to sit down. I know knew Adam was in a terrible state if I was coming to him.

My stomachs realised tones if nerves butterflies as I was pushed through the corridors. Finally we had reached his room. The butterflies came a hundred times worse now as the nurse knocked and opened the door.

Adam lay there with his left leg casted up, he had a bruised and cut head, also a black eye but on the opposite eye from myself, he's arms were in slings and his left shoulder blade was held in place. But he was awake and had that generally and cute smile that he always had plastered across his face.

I stood out of the wheelchair and attempted to run across to him. In pain I opened. My arms and wrapped them fairly tight (trying not to hurt him or myself) around him.

"Amelia" he screeched.

"Your uh... Alive" he mumbled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Of course I am stupid, because of you! You saved my life Ads" I answered refusing to release my grip around him. I could her his heart beating faster than usual as my head lay on his chest.

"I saved your life?" He gasped attempting to tangle his fingers in my hair.

"Yup, you sure did babes! You took most of the impact guarding me from the car" I said staring I to his sparkling blue eyes.

His eyes linked with mine instantly. He suddenly threw his lips against mine and kissed me with full emotion. That instant push must have jerked his shoulder but he seemed to deal with the pain. I pulled back after a minute or so as I knew my secret had to be told.

"Um Ads? I have something to tell you. Something you really need to know" I said staring into his eyes. Mines began to fill up with water again.

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked trying his best to sit up.

"Well I just found out there I'm uh...uh..."

"Amelia spit it out!!! I hate dramatic suspense!" He yelled laughing.

"I'm um... Pregnant!" I said biting my lip and face planting my hands into my palms.

Again came the awkward and heart braking silence. I dug my head draper and draper into my hands as the tears streamed down my face. A hand grabbed my wrist tightly and a loving voice echoed. "We can do this Amelia, your strong I'm strong! I promise" Adams reassuring voice said.

I stared up in shock I assumed he would flip his lid. My eyes met with his again as he wiped my tears from cheeks. "Are you sure Adam? I'm scared" I mumbled.

"Yes I'm positive Amelia Gray! I've never been so positive in my life!" He said pulling me back into a hug. I came to terms now that this was what life was going to throw at us and we would battle life back one step at a time.

Remember share those opinions I know you've got them in there, somewhere. I hope you enjoyed this chapter keep reading 📖

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