Chapter 7

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(6 months/25 weeks)

"No dad it's were Adams putting, nope to the left...a little more...a little!" I shouted. We, well Adam and my dad were in the process of building my little princesses crib I was more observing. I loved this crib soooo much that I made my parents drive me thought to Aberdeen just to collect it(Aberdeen is almost 2 hours away from our town). It's a white wooden framed crib, with the mattress quite high up for safety against cot deaths but it can adjust in height and width incase baby's big or just for when she grows up. It was almost complete now after my dad and Adam took almost 3 hours to build a simple thing.

Me and mum had the mattress, sheets and covers at standby just waiting for it to be complete. This was just the first crib as we had to get two, one for my house and one for Adams house since we are not living together... yet. But that's what today's for after we get this crib up and running me and Adam are heading done to the housing estate to put our name down for a flat.

"Ok Mr Gray just move it over a tad, done!" Adam said wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"Adam son what have I told you not Mr Gray just plan old Clarke" my dad said shaking Adam. He hated being called Mr Gray and told us that it's just a name for work.

I climbed over the empty boxes with the mattress placing it gently into the crib. It looked amazing when everything was in. A white canopy with ruffles formed covering the top of the crib and draping down the back, with a beautiful white and pale pink inside insert made from cushion and fabric. It was like looking at a royal crib for someone in royalty!

"Oh my I love it!" My mum said standing back and taking photos. I finished it with her teddy sitting right in the centre, the teddy we would take to the hospital with us, the teddy that would be her first.

"I know same! I can't wait to see her lying in it instead of just a teddy" I said looking over the crib. It was too exciting!! Suddenly two hands were rapped around my waist and a soft gentle lips dubbed against my cheek.

"Same here, she will be the cutest baby girl in the universe" the voice sounded in my ear. I looked up at my hot and amazing boyfriend kissing him tenderly.

"I know she will!" I whispered back.

The crib was now looking incredible and we knew would could leave it like this till her arrival. Adam picked me up on to his back making sure my bump wasn't squashed and ran down the stairs. I think I screamed the whole way but what the hell it was fun! We were going away to the housing estate for a meeting we had planned, whoops that meeting was in half an hour and we still hadn't left the house.

I attempted to shove my converse on my swollen feet again but struggled with great difficulty trying to reach them. This sounds stupid but my bump is now massive! Mum says a a women in her work said my baby right now at 25 weeks is the size of a fully grown cauliflower! What even? That's not that big but my bump bloody well is. I stopped moaning to myself when my hunk of a boy grabbed my feet forcing my chubbiness into my pink converse.

Finally we were ready to leave the house. What a busy morning my dad happily dropped us off at the estate and offered to pick us back up. We both seriously need to get our driving lessons as it's so unfair on my parents and Elaine for being our personal taxis'. The housing estate was empty, that was a good sign. "Sanderson" Adam told the receptionist as I took a seat in there run-downed waiting room, it was lucky there was four proper four legged chairs.

"What even is this place?" I whispered to Adam trying not to be heard by any of the workers.

"A housing estate dumb ass!" Adam screeched he was shit at whispering, I don't think he knows how to whisper.

"Haha your so hilarious!" I wined he just thinks he's a top comedian.

We have been waiting a while for the place to be empty. Them out of know where a women dressed in a suit walked down the hall. "Mr and Miss Sanderson?"

We stood up with force well Adam did but for me I pulled myself up. We started following this fine women along a short corridor till we entered a large room. The room consisted of a desk three chairs and tones of photos of house and databases on the walls.

"Ok well I'm Samantha Ferguson an estate officer here at Home-edition what are you guys hoping or looking for this afternoon?" With a fake smile she asked us.

"Um we were just wondering if we could be put on the housing grant list? So we could hopefully be in a home settled my the end of July early August?" Adam asked looking into her deep scary green eyes that made her look like a crocodile who had missed lunch and was away to eat us.

"The housing list can't make promises for when you will get one sir! But I can happily let you sign yourself on to the waiting list if you insist" she said daggering her eyes into me then to my bump and back up again. She was getting on my nerves.

"That would be perfect" I said faking the biggest smile ever.

"No problem. Sign there and you, sign there" she grumbled. Sorry dear but we don't want to be any more than you do. We signed two sheets of paper each and were added to the waiting list. Number 58th in line!


"She was a stuck up bitch!" I said leaving the estate.

"I know! Sorry that we actually are wanting a house to raise our baby in and to get of of our family's back" Adam yelled.



"Ridiculous!" I finished our little random word shout off as my dads car pulled up.

"Everything sorted then?" My dad asked smiling at me in the front seat.

"Yeah but she was horrible wouldn't go through them again for a house" I moaned ruffling my hair and leaning against the window. My dad laughed obviously that idiot thought something was funny well more like hilarious because he was almost doubled over in the car with laughter.

My dad is a total sucker for oasis and had their album up on full volume in the car. Me and my dad have seen them a couple if time well before they broke up, it's kind of our thing. Anyways me, Adam and my dad started singing our hearts out to champagne supernova. It was crazy but brilliant at the same time. I felt that the car journey went quicker if music was on and it certainly felt like it, we were home in know time. I climbed out slamming the door and rushing round to the back of the car, flinging the back door open and kissing Adam with a strong force. He wasn't coming in the house with me tonight since he had university in the morning and had an essay to complete.

I hugged him and slammed the door. Just as my dad went to drive away he rolled down the window ands shouted "I love you Amelia Gray" and the car speed off.

"I love you too!" I screamed back down the road, I obviously knew he wouldn't hear me since the car was half way down the street but it was worth the shot.

I headed for the front door after an eventful day. My little princess kicked my as I opened the front door. She truly was a dancer of some sort inside me since she moves 24/7!

"Is that you Amelia?" mum yelled as I closed the front door.

"Yeah I'm home" I yelled back she clearly was upstairs.

"Okay dear were just waiting on dad to come home and then were ordering pizza for dinner the menus on the coffee table" the voice came from the top of the stairs.

Pizza was one of my favourite meals so I was happy. Looking at the menu I spotted the meat feast. This included barbecue sauce based covered in cheese, onion, chicken, sausage, spicy mince and BACON with a cheesy stuffed crust. Done! Back. Is one of my pregnancy craving at the moment so I have been eating it none stop recently.

I wrote down my pizza on a piece of paper with everyone else's options.

Katrina - margarita pizza and a side of garlic bread

Mum - spicy chicken, barbecue sauce, onion, chillies and peppers

Me - the meat feast

Dad -

Dad hadn't ordered yet so we couldn't phone but I didn't mind since he was kindly dropping my boyfriend off home.

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