Chapter 8

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(7 months/30 weeks)

My bump now is massive I am not joking. I was literally now having to wear some if my maternity horrific clothes or buy size 16 normal clothes. I have nothing against people who are generally size 16's but I was a little skinny thing before, fitting into size 8's the odd 6 but I'm almost double my clothes now. I wasn't feeling comfortable to walk out the door anymore.

"Ok Amelia I'm super sorry for last night" Adam said coming from the kitchen carrying a glass of water and heartburn tablets.

"Just hand me the tablets over" I moaned I was so pissed with him it was unreal. I have been getting really bad heartburn now being pregnant so that's why he kindly brought me through tablets.

"Here! Have you forgiving me yet?" Adam wined handing me the packet of tablets and the glass of water.

I swallowed them then answered him "I am still debating!"

He sunk his head down like he knew he was seriously in my bad books. Suddenly he got up and grabbed his coat, wait is he that mad that I haven't forgave him yet. He zipped his coat up and headed for the door.

"I'm heading ill phone you tonight...when I get home from uni maybe them you might forgive me" he said running passed me kissing my head and out the door. I really should forgive him but he seriously shouldn't have done it.

Here's what happened...
Last night Adams friends had taking him out for a general night out to congratulate him about his baby being a girl announcement and an early birthday since his birthdays next month so... Since we are of legal age to drink in Scotland he went down to our local pub and I stayed in and watched disney films with my sister. Any ways about two in the morning I was obviously in my bed sleeping and since the pubs closer to my house than Adams but he practically lives here any way, he was coming back to mine. Before I went to bed I had made him a bed up on the sofa with the spare quilt and cushions because I knew the idiot would be too drunk to make it up the stairs since I'm the best girlfriend in the universe. So he comes in completely ignores my signal to sleep down stairs and troops up the stairs anyway. Banging into the walls after every second step, falling back down and attempting to get up again. When he finally reached the top he went directly to the bathroom. He probably peed, puked and done what any drunk male would do? Then it happened well started.

He opened my bedroom door made his way over to my bed banging and barging into everything near him but not realising what are actual giving a damn. He pulled open the covers and faked screamed at something then all of a sudden started yelling and nudging me " Amelia your waters, oh my fucking goodness your waters have broke in the bed!" Wakening me up from my amazing and dreamy dream I obviously shot up in shock looking down and screaming.

No the twat that Adam is when he is drunk had carried water through from the bath room in a cup or old shampoo bottle and poured water around my legs,bottom and back making it look as if I had either
A/ peed myself
B/my waters had broke
Well I about killed him. "You absolutely fucking dick!!!" I yelled "what were you thinking get out of my bed now!" I pushed him and full force slapped him till he was out the bed. Because of all the noise my parents were now awake and had made their way along the hall to my bedroom door. The door opened and two angry looking parents turned on the lights. Now if the water wasn't bad enough because it was dark you should have seen my room when the lights came on.

Adam had walked straight into our baby girls stunning white wooded changing table causing it to tip making a mess of nappies, creams, bibs and dummies to be scattered across my carpet. Oh but that wasn't all! All of the clothes I had bought for our that was neatly in bags and some in boxes awaiting to be separated into drawers either at my house or Adams had been walked into causing them to be all over the floor in big heaps. And to top the whole disaster off the one I could still slit his throat for was our expensive crib. Adam had drank so much when he was our he gave in and lent over the crib and threw up all over our beautiful white and pale pink laced princess bedding. Going right through the cushioned quilts and mattress. Thank god she wasn't lying in it!!!

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