Chapter 12

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(9 months two weeks/this is it)

The sweat was dripping off of me, I've now giving up I looked up at Adam to show him that's it I am done when I heard a loud cry. "Congratulations mummy and daddy your baby girl had arrived! At exactly 18.38" A gorgeous baby girl was held up in front of me and Adam.

"OMG" I cried as the midwife handed my bundle over to me for skin to skin. I looked up to Adam who was tearing up at the sight of our little girl. "Happy birthday baby" I said looking at her delicately while tears streamed down my face. "I'm your mummy" I whispered kissing her forehead and staring into her big adorable eyes.

"She is beautiful! I can't believe she's mine" Adam said hugging both of us tight. I could see he was overwhelmed and quite emotional which is not like him. Adams head came down kissing me "I'm so proud of you" his voiced whimpered as he stared at me and our baby.

I delivered the placenta in no time and was helped out the pool with my little bundle. She was now wrapped in her blanket and had a nappy on. I settled on the bed giving Adam his first cosy with his little girl. She cuddled into him as they sat and nodded off to sleep. His tears had stopped now and he was now in his element. "I don't want to let her go!" He said kissing her about a thousand times. I've never seen him like this before but I liked it, it was adorable!

My mum and Elaine had been in tears in the corner since she arrived. They both came over to me and gave me a sandwich hug. "You done brilliant, I'm so proud of you" my mum said grabbing her hug tighter.

"She is stunning!" Elaine said also grabbing her hug tighter. I gave them a smile and looked back over to my precious baby girl. The midwife returned after about ten minutes after dealing with the placenta and emptying the birthing pool. She came over slowly "I'm sorry to be a pest but do you mind if I take her to get weighed?" She asked. I seen Adams face scrunch up nobody was getting near his baby girl again she was his and only his in his eyes.

"Yeah sure" I smiled not even giving Adam the time to say no or later she has to get weighed and that was it. She gently reached to Adam to receive her and walked over to the weighing table.

"She got a name yet?" My mum asked.

"We can't call her baby Sanderson forever" Elaine laughed.

I looked over to Adam who gave in return a smile. We have already had her name picked for months now just kept it a secret since it's bad luck to tell. "You can tell them" I said as we were both lost for words.

"You sure?" He asked with confusing, I just nodded. "Her names going to be Aubrey Sanderson, no middle names nothing just Aubrey" Adam said making it as clear as possible he also smiled to show his the proud daddy of Aubrey. A smiled formed over my mums face.

"Beautiful name and it suits her" mum said.

"I love it" Elaine smiled. I was so glad both of them liked it because I wasn't going to change it. The midwife returned wirh Aubrey cradled in her arms and passed her to me. I then gave her a kiss and passed her to my mum who hadn't had a cosy yet.

"She is 7lb 2oz" the midwife said noting it down and leaving the room

Aubrey was a good weight and a health one at the same time. She is just perfect! In every little way.


Both my mum and Elaine had had wee cosies with Aubrey and it was time for me and Adam to change her first nappy and to put her baby grow on from home. This was a complete new thing for me and Adam so this is going to fun.

I changed the nappy folding the dirty one up and into bag with the now dirty wet wipes while Adam put on her little white vest. He was gentle and cute with her! Then we both put the baby growing Aubrey together. She looked supper cute in her dark pink baby grow with lite pink polka dots. Afterwards it was time for photos to be taking.

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