Chapter 11

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(9 months two weeks/ 41 weeks)

It's official move in day for me and Adam! I'm super excited now. Everything is in the apartment that's major like the sofa, our bed, the baby's crib, wardrobes so today's just for moving those final bits and bobs like clothes and that. I wasn't aloud to handle any of the heavy boxes because I'm STILL heavily pregnant, so I was dumped with boxes of shoes and bags, baby supplies and clothes and the odd box of jewellery.

Adam was meeting me and my parents at the apartment as he had to unload loads. I had so much stuff between me and my little girl we had to pack both my mum and my dad's cars with boxes. Katrina was also being a great help but only because the quicker I moved out the quicker my room was hers. Yeah she was getting my room and hers was going to be a room for whenever my baby girl needs to stay.

"Amelia just put that at your feet in the car" my mum shouted as I carried the final box to the car. Katrina was already in the car with her seatbelt and everything on while I was struggling with a box. I placed it at my feet and climbed into the car followed by my mum.

"Well that's it now your official moved out!" Katrina said with a smile. I was away to say something but she quickly covered herself "but I'm not saying I'll not miss you". I gave her the death stare she wasn't even funny.

The whole fifteen minutes in the car from my parents house to mine i was feeling quite uncomfortable. It felt as if my baby was leaning on my balder and pushing on my pelvis making it so un comfy to stay sitting down. My face kept screwing up at every movement she made. Finally the car pulled over at the front door, about time! I climbed out grabbing some boxes full of my princesses clothes and shoes and headed to the door. Everyone else was grabbing stuff and following me in. Katrina pushed the elevator button and we all waited patiently with all our boxes. My dad also has arrived at the house and was carrying a lie of my clothes all on coat hangers.

The doors opened and standing ready to help was Elaine, Max and Grandad Pat. I smiled thank goodness more people were here to help we still had to full cars to unload. "Adams up in the house waiting on you Amelia so just take that box and we will get the rest" Elaine said smiling. I smiled back and hurdled into the elevator. Me,mum, dad and Katrina waited patiently again in the elevator as it passed all the other floors. Katrina was looking forward to seeing my house as she's never been before. This fairly light box felt supper heavy for some weird reason and I started to sweat.

Suddenly as the elevator past the level below mine I felt a sudden pain in my pelvis. "Oh that was sore!"I moaned dropping the box.

"Hunnay are you okay" I heard my mum say.

I went to answer her to say yeah I am fine just a pain when I noticed my waters had broke and had made a pile of watery stuff on the floor. "MUM MY WATERS!" I screamed just as the doors opened to my floor holding my skirt.

"Oh... Okay um get Adam, Clarke! Fast" my mum screamed dragging me out the elevator. The pain was strong now and it was becoming un bare able. Katrina ran to the apartment dragging her box and now mine as well.

I seen Adam sprinting out the apartment door and lifting me up into a fire mans carry while my mum ran to the apartment. He pushed the elevator button and waited patiently with me in his arms. "You'll be fine babes I promise" he said rubbing my head with his spare hand leaning towards me and kissing me tight.

"Ooohhhh, I don't now Adam" I said grabbing his arm that wrapped around me. "It's really sore!" I screamed. He looked down at me with worried eyes.

"I know I know but you can do this"he said. Just after that the elevator doors opened revealing Elaine, Max and Grandad Pat. My mum also came running behind us with her car keys and my hospital bag that she finally found. Adam ran I to the elevator while his family walked out.

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