Chapter 18

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(4 months 2 weeks old)

"Where's Aubrey went?...there she is!" I said pulling a blanket from Aubrey's head. She burst into a fit of giggles, peekaboo is definitely her favourite game now. "Again?" I laughed along beside her and replacing the blanket over her face lightly. She's just getting so big my baby girl just keeps growing and it's scary how fast she's doing it.

"If hear peekaboo once more I'm going to poke my eyes out with sticks" Adam wined coming through the door after his final day at university. He now has his degree and is finished his extremely difficult course. Hopefully Adam will now get his dream job in law, so exciting. "I'm serious over the last fortnight the words peekaboo have been said over one thousand times" he laughed coming over to the sofa a sitting beside Aubrey.
"And you missy, any more of that giggling and you will be packing your bags and will be gone" he joked picking up Aubrey and raising her above his head. Kissing her continues after each smile. They just have such a good bond together...I'm jealous!

We got really exciting news today also that my parents are taking all of us to San Francisco with them next fall for a two week holiday. This is really exciting and the worst thing is I have already started shopping for clothes to wear. Because it won't be really sunny or really cold I have bought loads of autumnal clothing for Aubrey, like fluffy jackets, jumpers, little Ugg boots and an adorable hedgehog hat. Alongside my new favourite things for her a selection of her bows and head bands, there too damn cute!
So not long and Aubrey gets her first holiday and airplane ride! I understand it's like hours of flying to do and thousands and hous ands of miles away but she should be

"You cold?" I asked Adam who was still sitting in his jacket.

"Yeah it's bloody freezing!" He laughed while lying on the sofa beside Aubrey. Her eyes as big as buttons just staring at him while she pulls at his chin.

"Heaters are on but I guess you need my body temperature" I said running towards him and Aubrey and squeezing onto the sofa with them. Wrapping my arms around my two most favourite people in the universe and making a cosy huddle.

I know many people say that nobody is perfect or has the perfect life because it's impossible. But personally I have a perfect life...
Got pregnant at eighteen, moved out with the boy I love to the moon and back, gave birth and now bring up a child as a family. Any normal person would say. Y life was one word fucked! No student life, parties or holidays like IBIZA but do you know what I love my life and lying here right now makes me realise what I actually have.

I have a loving boyfriend who cares and loves me, a baby girl who is absolutely adorable and always makes me smile, a house that is well decorated and keeps us all protected and warm and finally a family that will carry on getting better. What more can you ask for in this situation?

"We're doing perfectly fine the way we are babes and nothing can break this bond" I whispered into Adams ear with a smile. I knew we were fine and I knew this was the way I wanted my life to pan out. I hugged into Aubrey and we both lay upon Adams stomach watching what looked like Mickey Mouse on TV.

"Yeah Amelia! This is it, our little family for now and forever"


The car crash miracle...AubreyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora