Chapter 14

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(1 month/4 weeks old)

"Good morning my little munchkin" I hear Adam talking to Aubrey. I opened my eyes to see him peering into her crib. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to join them. Aubrey was getting all excited in her crib as we both stood looking down at her.

"Good morning princess" I said stroking her head. She is just beautiful and every time I look at her I think to myself you did good Amelia, really good. I stood on my tip toes to kiss Adam good morning as his arms wrapped around me.

"Morning babes!" He said leaning his chin in my head as my head lent against his chest, yeah he's that tall. It felt so good! I loved when he done this. The sound of his heart beat in my ear while he embraces me tight.

"Morning" I whispered back not moving from my position. We just stood there cuddling and looking at our little miracle lying in front of us. I loved our little family so much and I know everyone says nothing's perfect but I can tell you now mines is.

"I guess we better pick this little madam up" Adam said releasing me from his clutch and leaning over for Aubrey.

"I guess" I mumbled. "Can you feed her for me so I can jump in the shower" I said with a smile to Adam who slowly walked closer to me cradling Aubrey in his arms.

"Yeah no problem enjoy your bathe, shower or whatever your getting" he said walking out the room. He's crazy sometime.

Adams P.O.V

I walked through to the livingroom with Aubs who snuggled into my arms. "Breakfast?" I asked her looking down to her gorgeous face in my arms. She just stares at you with her big blue eyes but I find it adorable.

We walked into the kitchen to get breakfast ready. Well we both didn't walk more like I walked and carried Aubrey. I filled the kettle up with water and flicked the switch. I had to do this for Aubrey's bottle since you can't give baby's cold milk. While we waited for the kettle to boil I sat next door on the sofa with Aubrey lying beside me. I turned on the TV and to my surprise top gear was on my ultimate favourite program I just couldn't get to engrossed because I had a hungry baby to watch and feed.

PING! The kettle flicked in no time and I again went into the kitchen with Aubrey in my clutch. I poured the water into a jug type bowl then grabbed her bottle that was already made from the fridge and rested it in the water. I could tell from Aubrey's face she was hungry and any minute now she would scream this place down.

I patiently waited for her bottle to heat up...

Finally! I tested the heat of the milk on my wrist "just perfect" I said looking down at my princess who's eyes had now seen the bottle and were as big as oranges. We went back through to the livingroom were I put her bib on and delicately feed the hungry monster. It seems like I'm a yoyo this morning going back and forward but I will do anything for Aubrey no matter what.

I just relaxed into the corner of the sofa with my pride and joy rested in my arms her eyes gazing up at me as she gulped down what was heaven to her. The silence was mind blowing now I had turned the TV off. Footsteps became clear as Amelia came down the stairs. She looked stunning and I don't actually think she was trying to, to be honest. She strutted down the stairs in a daisy print dress and her hair thrown up in a messy bun since it was still quite damp.

"Someone seems hungry" she said hovering over the side of the sofa staring down at her. Aubrey's eyes suddenly turned straight to Amelia and became wider she clearly new who her mummy was.

"She sure is!" I said kissing Amelia as her head stayed in place above my head. She gently kissed me back and headed for the kitchen. She was looking FINE this morning how am I so lucky. I burped Aubrey and got my morning cosies from her while Amelia busied herself in the kitchen.

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