Chapter 9

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(8 1/2months/ 36 weeks)

I squinted my eyes at the sunlight that crept through my blinds. We are offical now in June so the start of the Scottish Summer. I rolled over hitting my phone to reveal the time 9.30am that was reasonable. I couldn't be bothered moving and just kinda lay there. My baby girl started full force kicking me as I was lying there. I don't find them sore anymore just a bitty uncomfortable. I place my hand on my tummy, I love feeling her kicking my hand and just feeling her rotate her body.

I pulled myself up from my bed and headed to the bathroom. My face was in some mess like. I have so many spots that just appeared over night, it was a mess. I took a face cloth and wiped my face with hot water, then soap and then hot water again. Afterwards I grabbed my body shop stress free facemask and applied a thin layer on my face, covering each and every spot possible. When my face was covered I left the bathroom and headed down stairs.

After taking ten minutes to get down the stairs the mask was becoming very tight just like it's suppose to do. I went straight to the kitchen and started chopping up strawberries,raspberries and bananas. I threw all the fruit into my blender with a spoonful of peanut butter, yogurt and a small amount of cranberries juice. I blended them all together and placed the bottle in the fridge while I headed back up stairs to wash my mask off.

Again my journey started back up the stairs which felt like a bloody mountain. I washed my mask off and moisturised afterwards my face felt amazing and super soft. It had de-stressed me and I now felt a bit more alive, being 8 months pregnant you kinda being to feel dead a lot and lazy. I started my journey back down the mountain again, it's such a trek when your about to burst but it has to be done especially now I have a smoothie freshly made awaiting for me in the fridge.

My smoothie was now nice, cold and fresh! I took it out the fridge and began to gulped it down. The mornings at the moment are my hunger surges I just want to eat everything especially fruit so nothing, I mean nothing tasted better at the moment than my cold smoothie. And to make it even better it was lump free today! I smile with relief of the thought. While I enjoyed my refreshing breakfast I had to remind Adam about our hospital appointment today. It wasn't a scan or anything just to go over our hospital plan and all that stuff. He can be quite forgetful even though it's on the calendar in my mums and his plus I've set a reminder on his phone for each appointment but some how the boys still forgets to arrive or go.

The text;

Me: "hellooo! Just reminding you about the hospital appointment today at 1:15 xxxx"

Adam: "hey you!:) yeah I remembered I'll get mum to pick you up at around 12:50 xxxx"

Me: "yip no bother:) have you heard from the housing estate yet? Desperate to get our own place this house is killing me! xxxx"

Adam: "I'll tell you later as away to attended a lecture, just remember to bring your purse today xxxx"

Me: "Adam Sanderson you are up to something!! Will see you later enjoy your lecture:)xxxx"

Adam: "Maybe and I will...not!xxxx"

He clearly was up to something or was he be maybe just wanting me to buy his food and drinks for him in the hospital, yeah that sounds more like him. I checked all my social media stuff like Facebook, twitter, Instagram and tumblr. I then finished my smoothie and plopped it into the dishwasher.

I decide I wouldn't be lazy today and laze on the sofa till if was time to go out and today would be a productive day, so I headed back up mount staircase to get ready.

I did try to make effort today with my hair and face but I wouldn't say full effort. I curled the edges of my hair and added some volume and went for a simple natural look on my face with a touch of red lipstick. I shoved on a pale pink midi skirt, white top and my long white cardigan. I didn't need tights today since it was sunny and around 22 Degrees Celsius. I finished my "trying to make a effort look" with my sandals Adam bought me last summer.

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