Chapter 4

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17th January 2013 (3 months/13 weeks)

BEEP BEEP... BEEP BEEP the alarm clock alerted at 08:30.

Rolling over on my side looking at Adam hogging literally half the bed. He had to stay at my house last night since today was the first scan but it doesn't make any difference as he practically lives here with us. He pulled me in close and snuggled me in, it was good to wake up to him again.

"Morning you" he said in his fresh sexy morning voice. I looked at him getting dragged in by his eyes till they locked. I wait for this every morning.

"Morning" I answered getting out of his tight clasp and climbing out of the bed. I hadn't been excited last night for the scan but this morning I was buzzing! (Scottish word for excited) "Just think for a seconds babe... This time last week you were in the hospital all hooked up on critical machines. Now look at you only sitting there with a plastered arm!" I said recreating the accident.

"Shut up you" he said laughing, "its in the past build a bridge and get over it" he carried on pulling his shorts on and hurdling down the stairs.

The boy actually helps himself in this house like it's his own. I'll bet he's spotted my lucky charm or my fruit loops in the cupboard already and has poured himself a large bowl full with extra milk. He's obsessed with milk! I swear if he drinks anymore he will grow udders and turn into a COW.

Unlike me who's first priority in the morning ain't food but to feel fresh and shower. I just feel like it wakes you up and the smell of my lush shower gel at the moment is heaven. I turned the shower on, locked my bathroom door, turned some Beyoncé music on and jumped into the shower (not literally). I could still hear Adam down stairs eating! He eats like a horse and a pig blended together.

After my shower I slipped into my lazy morning shorts, dried my hair and headed down stairs for finally something to eat.

My stomach felt as if I had swallowed an hedge hog, the feeling of prickles poking into me at every small movement I made. I ate something light and simple for breakfast; fruit and Greek yogurt.

Cuddling into my pig of a boyfriend on the sofa as I munched into my yogurt. "I'm really looking forward to today!" His voice said as he kissed my ear. Yeah my ear I know, weird.

"Yeah same, kind of" I answered sharing my fruit with him, more like Adam helping himself to my fruit. He gave his cheeky grin and hugged me tight.


It was almost time for the scan so me, Adam, my parents and Katrina all set of in the car to the hospital. We were meeting Adams mum Elaine and his brother Max there since they lived at the opposite side of our town. The car journey was making me feel worse, my stomach was full of nerves. It didn't help that my annoying immature boyfriend was pinching my leg. He was doing it with out struggle even though we were separated by Katrina sitting in the centre of the car.


"What Adam"

"Lightbulb!! Haha You fall for this every time!" He laughed.

I swear if Katrina wasn't sitting there I would have full blast kicked his shin bone. He was just getting on my nerves the whole car ride, well everything was; the temperature, the comfiness, space, cleanliness ect.

Finally the hospital doors were in sight we all jumped out except my dad who went off to find a parking space while we headed to the main doors to meet Elaine and Max.

"Crap!... I wasn't expecting that, bloody peed myself, what a shock like!" Adam screamed as he got a fright off of the automatic smoking signal telling smokers to un-light there cigarettes or get rid of them before entering the building. Explaining how they need to be at least three metres away from the entrance! Me, my mum and Katrina were doubled over in laughter at Adam who was trying to find his heart pace.


After an eventful day so far we finally made it into a busy ultrasound sections waiting room all seven of us! It was crazy how many girls were my ages dealing with the same situation but all looking further ahead than me. Some were even leaving the ward with their baby cradled in their arms.

"Is this the new trend, Caroline" my dad whispered, well not really whispering since everyone in the reception heard him.

My mum slapped his leg "that's enough Clarke!" Getting embarrassed.

Adams mum and brother soon joined us in the waiting room. It was getting so busy and stuffy now and I felt as if I would faint.

We waited for a while till finally my name was called, "Miss Amelia Gray?"

We all trooped up all seven of us following the nurse along a long corridor. The walls were a pale green and were covered in pictures of babies that's ages ranged from newborn to around two years old.

"Big family?" She asked closing the door after us.

"Yeah could you tell" I mumbled putting my head down and taking a seat in the bed.

"Well I'm Jenna Henderson your nurse for today. Looking at notes this is your first child so don't panic the appointment is quick and easy, oh and simply amazing." The nurse explained rolling my top up just under my bra. She was so cheery it scared me!

I nodded as she spoke so she knew I clearly understood what she was saying.

"Okay now this is just gel with no added flavourings, scents or ingredients that protects you from getting burnt from the scan." Jenna said staring down at me on the bed with a laugh. I nodded again and got prepared.

"Oh it's cold" I jumped

"I forgot to tell you about that" Jenna attempted to say while laughing. She squirted some gel on my stomach and started moving the monitor around to pick up a signal and image of my little baby. It tickled so badly I kept jumping. Till suddenly a dark patch appeared on the screen. Adam sprinted from his chair grabbing my hand, this was our baby.

"There they are!" The nurse said pointing out the baby's head,feet and arms. It was so clear and so amazing. Reality just hit in, that a baby is growing inside of me and I will be a mummy and dumb-ass beside me would be a daddy!

The nurse printed off three copies of our scan. "The first official pictures of the one and only...little miss or mister" my mum announced with a happy tear rolling down her left cheek.

"Aw mum" I yelped climbing down of the bed and hugging her tight, she was far too cute! Adam was handed a purple folder type thing with our three copies of the little monkey. We said our thanks to the nurse and headed to the car park. Adam stretched his arm around my shoulders as we walked out, opening the folder and holding the photo.

"Our baby, our miracle, now we are officially a family!" He whispered into my ear kissing it as we walked out the hospital. I smiled my unique but awkward smile and opened the car. I guess that idiot was right!

That's the end of chapter four I hope use are all enjoying it and will carry in reading!

I love ending the chapters on cute and romantic endings just to let your hearts tingle...

The car crash miracle...AubreyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora